This week I’m going to go back in time and examine “geeks in love” through the various stages of life.  Today we start in the kindergarten years (a long time ago- before email, skype, texting, etc.) that first girl (her name was Amy) and that first kiss (don’t remember much about it, except that it happened).  Yes, we did move across the country shortly afterward- young love lost.  As you could tell, while I remember it, I was a typical guy & didn’t understand until much later the importance of this event on a young geek.  We didn’t communicate much afterwards- I was still having problems with penmanship (I didn’t know how to make a lot of the letters) and I didn’t know her address.

So who was your first “kiss”?  Take a few minutes this week and recall with me the fumbling times of insecurity as a young geek searches for love…

A Geek in Love, Part 1- the early years

This week I'm going to go back in time and examine "geeks in love" through the various stages of life.  Today we start in the kindergarten years (a long time ago- before email, skype, texting, etc.) that first girl (her name was Amy) and that first kiss (don't remember much about it, except that it happened).  Yes, we did move across the country shortly afterward- young love lost.  As you could tell, while I remember it, I was a typical guy & didn't understand until much later the importance of this event on a young geek.  We didn't communicate much afterwards- I was still having problems with penmanship (I didn't know how to make a lot of the letters) and I didn't know her address. So who was your first "kiss"?  Take a few minutes this week and recall with me the fumbling times of insecurity as a young geek searches for love...

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