So now we know Cecil’s plan to take over the universe… and how ADHD has once again saved galaxy. Flash Fact- Riverside, Iowa celebrates an annual “TrekFest” which has welcomed many stars of Star Trek. Geocachers, there is only one cache in town and it celebrates the Captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise: not Robert April, Christopher Pike, or any of the other guys & gals, just James R. Kirk, (Whoops! That was changed after “Where No Man has Gone Before) I mean James Tiberius Kirk. How will all this change now that they have rebooted the franchise and Kirk has been born in space? Cecil might be the only one who knows. Time to head home.

Patience, Young Monkey…

So now we know Cecil's plan to take over the universe... and how ADHD has once again saved galaxy. Flash Fact- Riverside, Iowa celebrates an annual "TrekFest" which has welcomed many stars of Star Trek. Geocachers, there is only one cache in town and it celebrates the Captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise: not Robert April, Christopher Pike, or any of the other guys & gals, just James R. Kirk, (Whoops! That was changed after "Where No Man has Gone Before) I mean James Tiberius Kirk. How will all this change now that they have rebooted the franchise and Kirk has been born in space? Cecil might be the only one who knows. Time to head home.

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