Geekiness- Level Up!

"Never beam down in a red shirt" words to live by... or not.

So while I’m dealing with stuff & trying to keep the comic updated I have gotten some geeky goodness in the mail.  In November I decided to put an order into ANOVOS who had some fantastic Star Trek uniform shirts at ComicCon along with Battle Star Galactica stuff.  I ordered my “Expendable Tie” and then decided to go ahead and get a real red shirt.  It arrived today… Sue isn’t that happy with it, but then again we have an understanding that we don’t question each others purchases when it comes to our goofy hobbies.  So I now am the proud owner of an “Ensign Ricky” and as long as Sue doesn’t have to be seen with me while wearing it everything is fine.  Yes, it is silly but I’m old enough to do something silly every once in while…