What do you mean by “hiatus?” Haven’t you been on one for a year already?

While it might not come to many as a surprise, since I tend to take some time between the holidaze to rethink and catch up, I will be doing that again this year. I know I have been behind in posting, and according to the Economist and actual “professionals” in the field of Webcomics (or as some like to call them “comics”) one thing that helps with creating an audience is to actually have something for them to read. Who knew? So while many have given me support in this almost 4 year labor of love, I’m taking the next week while I’m on the road to think through some things. Mostly what can I actually accomplish given the number of hours in a day and the fact that those Official Harry Potter Time-Turners they sell online don’t really work… If anyone is interested I have a box of them, caveat emptor.

I’m not whining (although it might sound like it). I’m not looking for posts of support (I have gotten those too, the other times when I post long thought out apologies). I do love creating this comic, it is something I find joy in… When the world sometimes has no other joy in it. I appreciate all the support and friends I have made. I have learned so much and look forward to learning even more in the coming years. If you had told me when I started this, that I’d still be at it after lose to four years, I’d have laughed. I’m mulling over ideas and taking a little break to plan & scheme. So, take some time yourself and enjoy the friends & family you are with. Enjoy a little time off and I’ll see you in 2013… We survived the end of the world, so as long as the “Snowpocalypse” doesn’t keep me from my drawing board- to quote Arnold “I’ll be back”