Resolutions… we don’t need no stinkin’ Resolutions…

So it’s time for New Year’s Resolutions… each year I have attempted to avoid this tradition.  I try to come up with some kind of a creative challenge.  This year is no different, but I want to throw a twist to it.  I watched Matt Cutts’ TED talk this morning about challenging yourself to do something for 30 days.

I tried this in August when they had the 30 days of Geocaching challenge… it was more difficult than I had thought it would be and by day 30 I was ready to never geocache again!  So instead of some massive Resolution that I will never accomplish, I’m going to try to do 30 day challenges.  Some might be silly, others not so much.  January’s challenge is to draw something every day for thirty days. and publish that drawing here before midnight.  You might see a whole lot of Cecil drawings, but I hope that as the month progresses I will work on stretching myself and try different ways of doing things.  Inking or coloring differently, experimenting with design… I don’t know what the other moths will bring, but I figured this was an “easy way to kick it off.  So here is drawing #1.  Who knows what I’ll draw tomorrow.