30 Days of Drawing… Day 5


I don’t know what inspired me to do today’s drawing… OK, it was cold and snowing.  They keep comparing this to the infamous “Blizzard of ’78” I guess when I’m sitting around and kids are complaining that the weather control system has it too cold I can regale them with stories of the Blizzard of ’14.  The snow was pretty (and poofy and heavy).  I shoveled the driveway twice, mostly because of the predicted cold snap that is supposed to follow bringing temperatures to somewhere way south of zero.  Don’t panic we have enough bread, eggs, and milk to make French Toast for an army.

As for the doodle,  I was thinking about Calvin & Hobbes and the Snow Goons… An thought of a heroine with an imagination battling an attack of these guys while shoveling the walk… As a teacher, I couldn’t come up with a name for the character that didn’t have some connection to some student, either good or bad.  Someday the story will be told if I have the time.  but tomorrow (while a snow day) will be inking the conclusion to Cecil’s latest adventure and another drawing… Then some work stuff and the all important petting of the cat.