A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0678

0678I realize the image might be too small to notice, but I believe a true geek who grew up in the late 70’s and early 80’s would recognize the book being held by MINIon #0678.  When I was growing up I had my first job when I was  about 13, unfortunately for me there was a game store in the same mall, so I would get paid, cash my check, and spend all my money.  This is pretty amusing since I am currently known for buying games and never playing them, something I started early on.  I remember in junior high school getting invited to my first D&D campaign.  That character lived through many adventures even though I always felt the Dungeon Master liked having a high level assassin around to do his dirty work.  I upset a few friends when I would accept the contract on their character and let a dagger slip towards the end of the adventure.  It wasn’t until college when the rule of “your character must be neutral or good- because we are fighting evil” came into play, so I switched from assassins to Magic-Users or Rogues.   I haven’t played a role playing games in decades… everyone seems to like Fantasy Football around here instead of just Fantasy.  So MINIon #0678 is looking for adventure- somewhere.