A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1177

1177I didn’t always understand the connection between a pet and a person… no really.  I know many of you would find this difficult to understand knowing the bond between myself & Hemi (best cat in the world).  You see as a child I never had a pet, I had hundreds of them.  At one point we had three (?) dogs, four or five cats, two goats, five or six chickens, four guinea pigs, two hamsters, two parakeets, and around 100 rabbits.  It’s hard to get attached to a pet when there are so many to choose from.  As I grew older the numbers dwindled, but it still was difficult when we just kept getting more.  So when I moved away, I made a conscious choice to not have a pet.  Hemi was Sue’s idea (she had never had a pet).

I bring this up because many MINIons have pets, and want to have their pet included in the badge I draw… this is more difficult than you would think.  Basically I can draw a “dog” but to draw your exact dog is hard.  You know where every little spot is, and that exact expression.  I had a student once who asked me to draw a dog- and then told me the exact breed.  I then asked her to describe it for me and she said it looks like a collie, but smaller.  So I drew a collie and was told that I got it wrong because the tail wasn’t right.  The dog on this badge is the best interpretation of a sable German Shepherd I can do.  I hope it’s good enough.