A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1878

1878My parents tried to be fair, and initially fairness, meant if one kid did something, the other kid kinda had to do it too. This was an advantage in some ways and a disadvantage in others (as the second kid there were advantages and disadvantages). You see, my older brother was an athlete, I am not. Sometime in my young life I decided to stop competing and enjoy life. Before that decision came SCUBA lessons- maybe this was the moment where it sunk in. You see my older brother, besides being athletic, was really interested in Marine Biology. At some point my parents had him take SCUBA lessons. He was young for the class, but committed to succeeding because he like the ocean, and wanted to be swimming with sharks. Whether I asked to be included or not, I don’t remember, but one day I was taken to SCUBA lessons, so I too could learn. I still feel sorry for our instructor. I think I got most the classroom stuff- it was Math and Science, it was the application portion that wasn’t my cup of tea. In a swimming pool, practicing wasn’t too bad, but…
The class went to a cove/beach near where we lived to get some real life experience, before venturing out further. This was also our test to make sure we could accomplish some safety things. We all got out there and each took turns with the instructor going down (maybe 10 feet, could have been twenty, felt like a mile) to the bottom and clearing our regulator, and mask using various methods. When my turn came up, I went down fine, and got through the first part clearing my regulator. It wasn’t that bad, so now I needed to flood my mask and clear it… sounds easy. I go to flood my mask and in the process knock the regulator out of my mouth. I can’t see, I can’t breathe, and I’m underwater. All I want to do is get to the surface (note: you should never attempt a rapid ascent, bad things can happen). My poor instructor tried to stop me, and gets kicked by my flippers a few times. Ummm… I survived (I think) the instructor wrote it off to immaturity. I was able to go on other field trips, but not allowed to submerge until I could pass. (I never passed, I never tried again.) The next trip was to Catalina Island. Did I mention that as a kid, I suffered from motion sickness… after that trip I don’t remember going back for any more lessons.