Contact Us

While we may not reply immediately I have created a simple email account to start so if you want to complain privately about something or just say “Hi” the cast and crew of My Geek Odyssey can be reached at:

mygeekodyssey(at) (because as Sue constantly reminds me it’s all about ME)

You can also follow me on Twitter (for the times I tweet) @professorzoom

Then again Cecil does have his own fan page on Facebook… don’t ask, he has more “likes” than I have friends.

If you want the message to go to anyone in particular (Cecil does have his own private email account- but he only gives that address out to favored minions) make sure to put that in the subject of your message and our crack team of monkeys will forward it on.

If you happen to be old fashioned and still use snail mail or want to send Cecil something really cool please feel free to use:

My Geek Odyssey
my most favorite comic strip published on the interwebs
P.O. Box 36098
Indianapolis, Indiana 46236-0098

Cecil likes shiny things…