I know, I know… what about England?  Well, I will return to England in the comic with different stories but the thing that is foremost in my mind is getting ready for Mini Meet East Meets West.  What is Mini Meet?  Every year Mini enthusiasts gather at either Mini Meet East or Mini Meet West.  Some go to both.  Every five years both groups come together at Mini Meet East Meets West.  It should be a lot of fun with lots of Minis celebrating the 50th birthday of the Mini.  I’ll be going alone (except for Cecil) and taking Tink.  The funny thing is I’m always a little concerned when driving the classic, especially in hot weather.  Something about the engine overheating.  The plan is to take it fairly easy and take my time heading up- around 200 miles a day.  The last Mini Meet Tink was at was in Knoxville, TN right after we bought her and we discovered there that the steering rack was kind of broken… The funny thing is we kept driving her until the parts arrived and then brought her in for service.  I figure after Mini Meet I’ll need to take her in for an oil change and a once over- who knows what I’ll need installed after I go shopping.  I have a few things that are on the list (including the illusive headrests).  My goal has always been to bring Tink back to haw she looked when she was purchased.  which means replace some badging and do some more research about what was considered standard for a 1300 import- specifically wheels and tires.  I have not been impressed with what U.S. parts suppliers can get me, but I keep hearing that this will be different in Minnesota.  Only time will tell.