A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1959

1959Today was the first day of school. So I figured an apple for the teacher was appropriate. I know many of you might be saying “First Day? Isn’t it still summer?” Yes, but many schools have moved up their start dates for a bunch of different reasons. Limiting “Learning Loss” is a big reason, Adding more days before testing so kids have as many days of teaching as possible before the high stakes test. “Balancing” the calendar so there are longer breaks throughout the year, we have a week at Thanksgiving, and a week in October. Does any of this work? Research is mixed, but while it is painful right now, it is nice to not have to rush somewhere in November.
As for the drawing I am playing around with a new pen given to me by my friend Jim McClain. It handles a lot differently than what I have used in the past, but I see a lot of promise if I can just figure out how to use it, and that takes practice.

Oh, 1959? That’s the year my school building opened.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #761.5

7615I figured I’d let you peek behind the curtain since the new school year starts tomorrow and I’m really tired. Today’s MINIon shows you what the original draft looks like before I ink it and color it. I use a non-photo blue pencil to draw, ink it in and scan my finished drawing in “line art” mode which takes off the blue and only deals with the black ink. so while I have been drawing these enough that my arm hurts, this is how it is done. The original can be as sloppy as I like since only the ink appears in the final.  This was drawn using a normal #2 .5 mechanical pencil which I really dislike since I always break the lead.  I actually use a Prismacolor Verithin pencil when drawing because they don’t break as easily as a normal Prismacolor pencil.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #14-556

14-556Every once in while I go a little political. Unfortunately, as a teacher in Indiana, that can be like taking your life in your hands. An early court case defined teachers as “moral exemplars” which can be hard when society has issues with what their actual morals are- which is Indiana in a nutshell.
As for today’s MINIon- I have many close friends who today’s SCOTUS decision impacted. I celebrate with you the only way I can- this monkey’s for you- congratulations! Sue, Cecil, & I love you all.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1820

1820“Call me Ookmael. Some years ago – never mind how long precisely (according to the “true story” the book was based on, let’s say around 30 years, but who’s counting?)- having little or no money in my purse, you see, I carry a wallet, it’s nice, I picked it up in Turkey to make sure it could hold other currency besides dollars, and nothing particular to interest me on shore. What do you expect? All my shows had had their season finales and there really wasn’t anything good on TV. I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world, even though I really hate water since it is so very wet. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen, and the appendix, and the gall bladder, and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth or I get those little hairs growing in my ears; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul, rather than a light a wonderful June in my heart (June is busting out all over!); whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, which I really should talk to someone about, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet… No I mean it, I’m concerned and should seek help. I quietly take to the ship, because have you seen what psychiatric help costs?!? Definitely not a nickel like in the comic strips!”

I know there are many books that are required reading in high school.  I guess I was fortunate enough to avoid many of them.  Either by dodging the class (I took a class in “Biography” in which we read romance novels based in historic time periods, and my favorite “Science Fiction”) or just buckling down and trying to get through books I didn’t have the life experience to really grasp (Great Expectations & Huckleberry Finn).  So I missed Moby Dick (darn) although I’ve seen a few film adaptations and read Jeff Smith’s Bone It’s something I probably should add to my bucket list or at least try to listen to it on a long trip.  Moby Dick was based on tales told about whalers and the whales that hate them.  The big story was about the sinking of the Essex in 1820.

This is what happens when I ask people how the MINIon number is significant… Rigoletto was written the same year as Moby Dick!  Inspiration comes from the strangest people… I mean places. 🙂