Cecil awaits the the start of MTTS 2014
Cecil sits on Alfie awaiting the the start of MTTS 2014

Bright an early in San Francisco more MINI Coopers than I could count showed up for the first leg of MINI Takes The States.  It all started with a photo, breakfast, and Tony Hawk jumping over some MINIs as we headed out.  I was wonderful, but we ran into one small problem… We got lost.  Not really lost because we knew where we were going (Sacramento and then Reno) but we lost the group.  One of those things you learn on a trip like this- don’t always follow the MINI in front of you.  How could this happen?!? Being somewhat techie I’m always for trying something new, this time MINIUSA tried an app to help push out directions and updates instead of printing out route sheets as they had done in the past… I learned a long time ago that the minute you put your faith in technology, it will fail.  A large group followed a some people doing some wine tasting in Napa. Another group tried to follow the original route, and we just ended up driving straight to Sacramento to the dealership for lunch.

After lunch we headed out with the MINIons (Cecil’s group of followers) on our way to Reno… and some bowling.

Cecil at the California State Capital building in Sacramento
Cecil at the California State Capital building in Sacramento
One of my other prjects "MINIfigs Take The States" the Lego Mini Cooper and over 30 minifigs.
One of my other projects “MINIfigs Take The States” the Lego Mini Cooper and over 30 minifigs.  Here they are in Sacramento.
Cecil enjoying his lunch in Sacramento... He had asked for a gluten free, vegan, roast beef sandwich... I don't know whether I filled out his dietary restrictions correctly when we registered.
Cecil enjoying his lunch in Sacramento… He had asked for a gluten free, vegan, roast beef sandwich… I don’t know whether I filled out his dietary restrictions correctly when we registered.

The MINI Adventure is Just Beginning…

[caption id="attachment_4669" align="alignleft" width="300"]Cecil awaits the the start of MTTS 2014 Cecil sits on Alfie awaiting the the start of MTTS 2014[/caption] Bright an early in San Francisco more MINI Coopers than I could count showed up for the first leg of MINI Takes The States.  It all started with a photo, breakfast, and Tony Hawk jumping over some MINIs as we headed out.  I was wonderful, but we ran into one small problem... We got lost.  Not really lost because we knew where we were going (Sacramento and then Reno) but we lost the group.  One of those things you learn on a trip like this- don't always follow the MINI in front of you.  How could this happen?!? Being somewhat techie I'm always for trying something new, this time MINIUSA tried an app to help push out directions and updates instead of printing out route sheets as they had done in the past... I learned a long time ago that the minute you put your faith in technology, it will fail.  A large group followed a some people doing some wine tasting in Napa. Another group tried to follow the original route, and we just ended up driving straight to Sacramento to the dealership for lunch. After lunch we headed out with the MINIons (Cecil's group of followers) on our way to Reno... and some bowling. [caption id="attachment_4670" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Cecil at the California State Capital building in Sacramento Cecil at the California State Capital building in Sacramento[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4671" align="aligncenter" width="225"]One of my other prjects "MINIfigs Take The States" the Lego Mini Cooper and over 30 minifigs. One of my other projects "MINIfigs Take The States" the Lego Mini Cooper and over 30 minifigs.  Here they are in Sacramento.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4672" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Cecil enjoying his lunch in Sacramento... He had asked for a gluten free, vegan, roast beef sandwich... I don't know whether I filled out his dietary restrictions correctly when we registered. Cecil enjoying his lunch in Sacramento... He had asked for a gluten free, vegan, roast beef sandwich... I don't know whether I filled out his dietary restrictions correctly when we registered.[/caption]

One thought on “The MINI Adventure is Just Beginning…

  1. Ha ha! I remember that day: I too followed the MINI in front of me — until they suddenly disappeared around a bend, never to be seen again. All of a sudden I found myself the leader of a band of MINIs — on a little bitty twisty road that barely qualified as a one-lane driveway!

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