A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1972

1972Yes, I grew up in 80’s.  As I have said to many of my musically inclined friends, “I don’t know much, but I know what know, if you know what I mean.” So if you asked me what music I like- I really can’t say.  It’s a weird mix.  If you ask me my favorite band, I don’t know.  I hear something and I like it.  Puccini’s Nessun Dorma from Turandot, can bring tears to my eyes. I can sing along (poorly) to all the stuff I grew up with which ends up being a lot of Peter, Paul, and Mary.  As for most other music, I just know what I like.  When MINI asked me to do the comic for MTTS 2010, they mentioned a song that they were using and if I could tie that in… I had to google the song.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1930

1930This was actually Sue’s idea, but I ran with it.  I realize now how many times I have visited the Art Institute.  It used to be on the list of regular stops when we would visit Chicago.  I love their collection and tend to get lost looking for specific paintings. Recently It’s been more of a rush with specific tasks needing to be accomplished.  Maybe it’s time to go back.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1024

1024I’m not into sports. If you’ve known me for any amount of time you know that. When people cheer for their local team, I’m kinda meh. however I do really like robotics competitions. I started by supporting my school’s FIRST LEGO League team, more out of curiosity than anything else. Then my job shifted and I started to really take a look at the world of competitive robotics. I learned more about the various competitions and even coached a few teams at the elementary level. When I first started out I stopped by to observe a robotics camp being put on by our local high school. I now have helped out for the past three years. The kids do a lot of things, but the major activity is to build a robot and compete with it. Each year the competition is a little different. The kids use VEX parts (think erector sets) and simple controls. The robots can get rather complex. At the end of the camp (which was today) they attend the Indiana Robotics Invitational and see what their mentors can do with a big robot. 67 teams from around the world compete in the IRI and if you are interested you can watch it live. Like some competitions you might not get the hang of the scoring, but it is cool seeing what these high schoolers can do and in today’s society what they are prepared to do in the future.

Today’s MINIon honors the “kil-a-bytes” Team 1024 from my school district.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1967

1967It looks like Loompa land has MINIons too.

I could use this post to rant about how Hollywood takes cherished films and decides to remake them for a new audience and ends up not hitting the same mark, but I won’t. At least a parent can still share the book without worrying about it being updated to better attract a target demographic.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #8689

8689I grew up without many cares or worries. I was lucky that way. Being rather introverted I could disappear into my room for hours and never really need to talk to anyone. When I was put into a strange situation, comics tended to be my escape. Third grade, my parents send me to overnight soccer camp in hopes that I will become athletic… my solution was to spend any off time in my room reading “Hagar the Horrible.” First day of college, I move into my dorm room and immediately go to the campus bookstore. There I buy a copy of a collection of a strange comic I’d never heard of before… “Bloom County.”

A Year In MINIons- MINIon #6910

6910Yes, I finally did it, a MINION MINIon. I hope you’re all happy now. Cecil has had minions since his first appearance years before a certain film came out, so he doesn’t like his MINIons being confused with those MINIONs… but if can’t beat them, join them.
I hope everyone who attended San Diego Comic Con had a great time and a safe trip back to where ever you call home. It looks like the one studio in particular pulled out all the stops. If you have not read about the STAR WARS VII panel in the infamous Hall H you should. Also the trailer for the Superman v Batman film looks interesting, I’m sure we’ll get more before the film actually comes out. Most of the trailers shown seem to be posted on YouTube almost as soon as the panel is over so head over to the second most popular search engine and hunt your favorite down.