30 Days of Drawing… Day 7


So about today’s drawing…  For years now (20+) I’ve been a regular at Gramboli’s Pizza, our local pizza place.  It all started when I was first teaching and I had ordered a pizza to be delivered to the school and 90 minutes later it still wasn’t there.  When I called the national chain they said they couldn’t find the school!  I decided to try the local place and have been eating there ever since.  It’s about a mile or so from our house and a perfect chance to test out the road conditions.  When we arrived it was pretty busy – Sue and I think everyone had the same idea to escape cabin fever.  The white board used if there is a wait, tends instead to be taken up by a drawing- these have been done by me for a very long time.  It started off with Cecil and now is a generic dog.  I try to change him when I go in so some weeks you might see three (or four, or five) different dogs!  Tonight I erased the Santa Dog and after scrambling for a dry-erase marker, drew this guy.  Not my best effort, but I’ll fix it the next time I’m there.

30 Days of Drawing… Day 6


Today the temperature was very cold and the roads were impassable. We have a nice wall of ice and snow at the end of our driveway that I will deal with tomorrow along with work for school.  As for the drawing I was taking my typical robot and just playing around with the design a bit.  I know there are areas that I need to work on so consider this a baseline.  over the next 24 days, I’ll revisit robots and see what I can do to improve them including actually taking more time to color.

30 Days of Drawing… Day 5


I don’t know what inspired me to do today’s drawing… OK, it was cold and snowing.  They keep comparing this to the infamous “Blizzard of ’78” I guess when I’m sitting around and kids are complaining that the weather control system has it too cold I can regale them with stories of the Blizzard of ’14.  The snow was pretty (and poofy and heavy).  I shoveled the driveway twice, mostly because of the predicted cold snap that is supposed to follow bringing temperatures to somewhere way south of zero.  Don’t panic we have enough bread, eggs, and milk to make French Toast for an army.

As for the doodle,  I was thinking about Calvin & Hobbes and the Snow Goons… An thought of a heroine with an imagination battling an attack of these guys while shoveling the walk… As a teacher, I couldn’t come up with a name for the character that didn’t have some connection to some student, either good or bad.  Someday the story will be told if I have the time.  but tomorrow (while a snow day) will be inking the conclusion to Cecil’s latest adventure and another drawing… Then some work stuff and the all important petting of the cat.

30 Days of Drawing… Day 4



Day 4 –  I am a part of a gaming group that after much deliberation came up with the name: The Holy Order of the Polyhedral Dice.  In the discussion a wombat came up as a mascot, so here is what I came up with for a logo.  Shirts will be available at some time soon.  The discussion will probably now devolve into how do draw the wombat as Wolverine…

30 Days of Drawing… Day 3


After his parents were killed in their limo when they were crushed by a vegetable truck owned by a farmer who sold mislabeled “organic” vegetables, young Peter Rabbit avenged them by confronting vegetable farmers and gardeners (a superstitious and cowardly lot) as… BUNNYMAN! (secret origin subject to change without notice)

OK- so I did a quick doodle and after thinking about how various artists have interpreted  Batman (or for those in the know- “the Batman”) especially with his cowl- this idea came to me.  I know I’m probably not the first, and I’m not quite sure about the colors, but it is only drawing #3 and who knows, this guy could make it someday when DC decides once again to reinvent their characters for a new audience.

30 days of Drawing… Day 2

“but” you say, “How could this be day two when  you obviously did not post anything yesterday?”  Yesterday started off with picking up Hemi from the Spa where he had been since we left to visit family over the holidaze.  Because of that I was able to DRAW this, but not scan it.   According the rather flimsy rules (filled with loopholes, thanks to my crack legal team) I met the challenge by drawing, and since Hemi was sitting on the scanner purring contentedly I chose not to disturb the best cat in the universe and finished this today.

As for the actual drawing-  It is Cecil taking on the role of the pre-52 Golden Age Flash.  The flash has always been one of my favorite characters.  I remember watching “Super-Friends” and always liked it when the flash made a guest appearance no matter whether he spoke really fast or really slow.  In  third grade I even had a red sweatsuit that I remember asking my mom to put a Flash logo on- it didn’t happen but I wore it when my friends would get together to talk about superheroes… Yes, I was trying to cos-play at age 8.  I wasn’t “immature” like the school wanted to label me, I was ahead of my time.

Back to the drawing- While still in my typical style I want to try some different things out including a minor amount of shading and I decided to use a halftone filter to make it seem even more old school.  What will “today’s” drawing be?  don’t know yet.


Resolutions… we don’t need no stinkin’ Resolutions…

So it’s time for New Year’s Resolutions… each year I have attempted to avoid this tradition.  I try to come up with some kind of a creative challenge.  This year is no different, but I want to throw a twist to it.  I watched Matt Cutts’ TED talk this morning about challenging yourself to do something for 30 days.

I tried this in August when they had the 30 days of Geocaching challenge… it was more difficult than I had thought it would be and by day 30 I was ready to never geocache again!  So instead of some massive Resolution that I will never accomplish, I’m going to try to do 30 day challenges.  Some might be silly, others not so much.  January’s challenge is to draw something every day for thirty days. and publish that drawing here before midnight.  You might see a whole lot of Cecil drawings, but I hope that as the month progresses I will work on stretching myself and try different ways of doing things.  Inking or coloring differently, experimenting with design… I don’t know what the other moths will bring, but I figured this was an “easy way to kick it off.  So here is drawing #1.  Who knows what I’ll draw tomorrow.