Sorry for missing Wednesday… this is the last week of school and I was a little busy getting the last of the things I needed for school done… and then there were meetings that will be occuring randomly during the summer, along with the fires that needed to be fought (your child got the grades they did because they didn’t do any work the last 9-weeks of school).  Not a good excuse, but the truth- My summer vacation starts once I get my classroom cleaned out & I find out what grade I’m teaching next year, so I can start planning- so hopefully sometime next week.

I hope you are enjoying Cecil’s little lair hunting he only has a few more places to check out before deciding where he’ll end up.  Then again, maybe I’ll be like DC Comics and restart the entire comic in September!  New creative team, and renumbering… so read these while you can because pretty soon they won’t be part of the continuity!

Actually DC does have courage to try that (Marvel has done it a couple of times and always ends up going back to the old numbers).  I remember (gather around children- old guy about to talk about the “good old days”) when the original Crisis on Infinite Earths finished and they rebooted every title… kind of.  It looks like after almost 25 years they are actually going to do what a bunch of people hoped they would… then again all it takes is another “infinite secret civil war crisis at zero hour” to bring it all back.  18 months… that my guess.

Sadly, the other news from DC (which means Marvel will follow suit) is that they will be releasing both print and digital editions of their comics on the same day and at the same price.  You’re saying “Wait?  Bruce is a geek and love technology!  Why would he be against such a move?”  Two words “Comic Shop.”  While I will still visit my local shop (Hi Dan!  Hi Tim!  Hi Terry!) because I know that to learn about new stuff, the place to go is a comic shop, many people won’t and those fantastic small independent titles might never get discovered or read, because DC & Marvel will have you using their app (there’s an app for that) and the independent won’t get the readership they deserve because they aren’t hooked up to a big publisher.  I’m now reading more and more independent stuff because it is good and because one time I went in to my local comic shop and said “Hey!  any suggestions?”  WARNING: that can be a costly question.

Off that soapbox and onto another… If you knew the world was ending in September (and someone was going to hit the “Reset button” would you really care about the the comics being produced now?  SO someone explain to me why I should read DC Comics from now until September (except that I have already preordered the titles I usually read and paid for them).

For geocachers sometimes icons are worth their weight in gold… kind of like “badges” in Foursquare.  For those readers who are not aware of geocaching (using million dollar satellites to find Tupperware in the woods) let me just say that each type of geocache has a specific icon related to it.  Some are more difficult to get- one of those is the GPS Adventure Maze, basically because it is an exhibit that travels the country spreading the gospel of geocaching.  As a traveling exhibit sometimes it is hard to track down.  It started off in Indiana B.C. (Before Cecil) so the monkey had never logged it and therefore was missing the icon.  This weekend the exhibit started its run in Nashville, Tennessee at the Adventure Science Center (until September).  So being a three day weekend and having nothing else to do… we headed down to catch the exhibit, get the icon, and a smiley.  All I can say is if you know nothing about geocaching, but would like to learn and are anywhere near Nashville stop by.  The next time it will be near to Indiana (my home base) will be in 2012 when it goes to Dayton, Ohio. Besides the exhibit Cecil would also recommend- the World’s Largest Travel Bug Hotel, Walk Like an Egyptian, The Anchor… and a bunch more.  If you are looking for icons- there are a lots of virtuals & webcams in town.  Cecil did pick up is 1500th find on the way home- so he considers it a good weekend. This week marks the end of school and while I will be free to pursue other interests starting Friday, I can only hope that I will get all the paperwork done in time to produce the comic this week…  keep your fingers crossed.
Hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend (if you are a U.S. Citizen), or a regular weekend (if you understand the metric system).  I wonder where Cecil will end up next? Cecil will be visiting the GeoAdventures Exhibit in Nashville this weekend.  If you are in the area hope to see you… I’ll be the one with the monkey!
Happy Towel Day!  or is that Happy Geek Pride Day?!?
When I was growing up my mom used have a ritual we would go through every two years… moving.  At least for my young mind that was the way it was.  We moved after kindergarten, then after second grade, then after third grade (Yes, I did the math right- long story), and once more, but I stayed at the same school.  After that when my Mom would get the itch we would go house hunting.  Driving around the area (She liked the community we lived in) but always looking for a new house.  From what I understand now instead of house hunting, my parents (now retired) just remodel every two years- or at least that how it seems.  Enough grumbling… BIG NEWS! Vote for The Doctor Who Cache Series on Where’s the Tardis?  Voting ends TODAY at midnight so please… pretty please?  Pretty please with sugar on top?
So what is Cecil up to?  Those who have been reading for a while might notice a few things missing from Cecil’s lair (besides Cecil).  The last time I recall doing a long shot of the lair it looked something like the warehouse at the end of “Raiders of the Lost Ark.”  Maybe Cecil can loan me some helpers to deal with my classroom… oh wait, Cecil has gone missing.  I wonder if Mongo knows anything? Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend… if you happen to see Cecil around, please let me know.  I’ll be the one finishing up my grading for the year so I can get those report cards out on time.
Not much to say about today’s comic, just that I think it might be leading to something big over the Summer… something like “Fear Itself”, or “Flashpoint”, or “Crisis of Infinite Bananas”  only time will tell. As for the rest of my life- the school year is winding down and once I get grades together it will be time to bid this class a fond farewell.  Then summer starts which means a little more time with the comic, a little more time with Hemi, a little more time with Tink (weather permitting), and time to figure out next school year (curriculum and teaching strategy changes).  But first I need to survive the next week or so.
Yes, it is late, but still before midnight where I am so it still counts as Wednesday’s comic.  I hope everyone had a great May the fourth… Now I just have to come up with something clever for Towel Day.
I do apologize for only having two comic strips out this week.  The week was really filled with Dr. Who cache prep and with all the the caches now sent out waiting to be placed, “Creativity Project 2011” is coming to a close.  I am happy with its conclusion and am looking forward to seeing where and how they are being placed.  Now I just need to get a bunch of other drawing done (some for the Dr. Who caches, some for GeoWoodstock), then again with Hemi around I may not get as much done since his favorite place to rest is on my hand.  Maybe Cecil is onto something. Happy Weekend everyone!
Cecil is watching everyone.  He’s got files on everyone and at least 18 1/2 minutes of tape (that’s what they used to call mp3 files kids).   Being vigilant, always watching… unless he’s eating a banana or playing a game, or eating a banana, or finding a geocache, or eating a banana or watching TV, or eating a banana, or sleeping, or eating a banana. Oh, and I really don’t have anything against his holiness, it’s just he tends to end up on any list dealing with worldwide conspiracies, so why not Cecil’s?