Happy Towel Day!  or is that Happy Geek Pride Day?!?

When I was growing up my mom used have a ritual we would go through every two years… moving.  At least for my young mind that was the way it was.  We moved after kindergarten, then after second grade, then after third grade (Yes, I did the math right- long story), and once more, but I stayed at the same school.  After that when my Mom would get the itch we would go house hunting.  Driving around the area (She liked the community we lived in) but always looking for a new house.  From what I understand now instead of house hunting, my parents (now retired) just remodel every two years- or at least that how it seems.  Enough grumbling… BIG NEWS! Vote for The Doctor Who Cache Series on Where’s the Tardis?  Voting ends TODAY at midnight so please… pretty please?  Pretty please with sugar on top?
So what is Cecil up to?  Those who have been reading for a while might notice a few things missing from Cecil’s lair (besides Cecil).  The last time I recall doing a long shot of the lair it looked something like the warehouse at the end of “Raiders of the Lost Ark.”  Maybe Cecil can loan me some helpers to deal with my classroom… oh wait, Cecil has gone missing.  I wonder if Mongo knows anything? Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend… if you happen to see Cecil around, please let me know.  I’ll be the one finishing up my grading for the year so I can get those report cards out on time.
Not much to say about today’s comic, just that I think it might be leading to something big over the Summer… something like “Fear Itself”, or “Flashpoint”, or “Crisis of Infinite Bananas”  only time will tell. As for the rest of my life- the school year is winding down and once I get grades together it will be time to bid this class a fond farewell.  Then summer starts which means a little more time with the comic, a little more time with Hemi, a little more time with Tink (weather permitting), and time to figure out next school year (curriculum and teaching strategy changes).  But first I need to survive the next week or so.