As posted yesterday Sue and I went out to see Star Trek on Thursday at 7:00.  It was great to spend some time with our friends and see such a great movie.  The review ( my apologies to the Comic Critic for the format, but it worked for this one)  doesn’t go into many details, but basically in a nutshell, it has been a long time since I have wanted to see a movie in the theater twice… this one has done it.  The casting was great,  the story not only honored the old series, but also made it loud and clear, “things are different now.”  As the geek it was hard for me not to go over in my mind things like – in the Kobayashi Maru test, the Klingons of this time period did not have cloaking devices… “Balance of Terror” introduced the cloaking device  concept and “The Enterprise Incident” was the first time  Klingon battle crusiers cloaked (since they were Romulan ships).  There are other minor things, but nothing at all that makes me scream-  “This is Wrong!”   It all can be explained away in the story if need be.  I really am looking forward to seeing it again… Time to restart the numbering-  this is STAR TREK 1.

Movie Review

As posted yesterday Sue and I went out to see Star Trek on Thursday at 7:00.  It was great to spend some time with our friends and see such a great movie.  The review ( my apologies to the Comic Critic for the format, but it worked for this one)  doesn't go into many details, but basically in a nutshell, it has been a long time since I have wanted to see a movie in the theater twice... this one has done it.  The casting was great,  the story not only honored the old series, but also made it loud and clear, "things are different now."  As the geek it was hard for me not to go over in my mind things like - in the Kobayashi Maru test, the Klingons of this time period did not have cloaking devices... "Balance of Terror" introduced the cloaking device  concept and "The Enterprise Incident" was the first time  Klingon battle crusiers cloaked (since they were Romulan ships).  There are other minor things, but nothing at all that makes me scream-  "This is Wrong!"   It all can be explained away in the story if need be.  I really am looking forward to seeing it again... Time to restart the numbering-  this is STAR TREK 1.

One thought on “Movie Review

  1. I have only gone to see the same movie in a theatre one time in my life (Another Sci Fi movie…the original Star Wars)

    And I’m tempted to do the same with this on. OUTSTANDING!!

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