30 Days of Drawing… Day 3


After his parents were killed in their limo when they were crushed by a vegetable truck owned by a farmer who sold mislabeled “organic” vegetables, young Peter Rabbit avenged them by confronting vegetable farmers and gardeners (a superstitious and cowardly lot) as… BUNNYMAN! (secret origin subject to change without notice)

OK- so I did a quick doodle and after thinking about how various artists have interpreted  Batman (or for those in the know- “the Batman”) especially with his cowl- this idea came to me.  I know I’m probably not the first, and I’m not quite sure about the colors, but it is only drawing #3 and who knows, this guy could make it someday when DC decides once again to reinvent their characters for a new audience.

30 days of Drawing… Day 2

“but” you say, “How could this be day two when  you obviously did not post anything yesterday?”  Yesterday started off with picking up Hemi from the Spa where he had been since we left to visit family over the holidaze.  Because of that I was able to DRAW this, but not scan it.   According the rather flimsy rules (filled with loopholes, thanks to my crack legal team) I met the challenge by drawing, and since Hemi was sitting on the scanner purring contentedly I chose not to disturb the best cat in the universe and finished this today.

As for the actual drawing-  It is Cecil taking on the role of the pre-52 Golden Age Flash.  The flash has always been one of my favorite characters.  I remember watching “Super-Friends” and always liked it when the flash made a guest appearance no matter whether he spoke really fast or really slow.  In  third grade I even had a red sweatsuit that I remember asking my mom to put a Flash logo on- it didn’t happen but I wore it when my friends would get together to talk about superheroes… Yes, I was trying to cos-play at age 8.  I wasn’t “immature” like the school wanted to label me, I was ahead of my time.

Back to the drawing- While still in my typical style I want to try some different things out including a minor amount of shading and I decided to use a halftone filter to make it seem even more old school.  What will “today’s” drawing be?  don’t know yet.
