MINI Takes The States- A Personal MINI History

MINIUSA sponsors an event every two years for their owners.  Yes, some would say it’s a great marketing ploy, and while that is somewhat true, the effort put into this event makes it much more than that.  I’ve noticed throughout Social Media some concern from new owners and some grumbling from trolls so I thought I’d post my history as an “old timer” and some suggestions for everyone.  I bought my first MINI in 2005, I am not a car person.  I bought it because I liked it, it stood out from the crowd.  I didn’t know I would be joining a cult at that time.  Currently we have three MINIs, a 2012 MCS Roadster (R59), 2011 MCS Hardtop (R56), and a Mark VI Mini (righthand drive), and I’m still not a car person.  We’ve owned a 2005 MCS Hardtop (R53), and a 2008 MCS Hardtop (R56).

This rundown may not be entirely accurate, but it’s how I saw things.

MINI Takes The States 2006 – Monterey, CA to LimeRock, CT

St. Louis- MTTS 2006
2006 St. Louis- MTTS Dark Silver/White with sunroof, no bonnet stripes

MINI Takes The States was set around the release of the John Cooper Works GP, the limited edition, high performance MINI, and the last R53 before changing to the R56.  Due to timing I was only able to do one leg, and as a member of the MINI Car Club of Indiana volunteered to help at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.  I drove from Indianapolis to St. Louis and back, where we did a parade lap around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. In St. Louis, I learned that if you only stay at a hotel for three hours, they only charge you the hourly rate for parking, and that you really shouldn’t consider this a race. On this leg I discovered that even though MINI hadn’t planned anything after the lap around IMS, it was supposed to be a rest.. the motorers didn’t want to rest and kept asking about where dinner was going to be and what the nightly activity was… MINICCI had to tell them “We were told not to plan anything.”  Memorable Moment: seeing all the MINIs parked under the St. Louis Arch… And meeting the McGills after Gromit got hit outside the Motor Speedway.  Everyone was fine, and we all signed the crushed door panel in a parking lot!  A spirit of community was born!

MINI Takes The States 2008 – Miami, FL, Boston, MA, “Chicago,”WI,  Los Angeles, CA

MINI tried something new in attempts to emulate MINI United in Europe.  Four parties around the country.  We went to two (“Chicago” and Los Angeles).  It was fun, but I think MINI discovered that in the US the drive is just as important as the party.  The interesting part was trying to get out of Chicago to the actual venue at Road America in Wisconsin.  Those of us in the midwest know that there  are only two seasons- Winter and Road Construction.  L.A. was nice being held at the Rose Bowl, but again something was missing, an epic drive.  Memorable Moment: Driving a MINI with my dad around the cones in L.A. and being instructed to be gentle… it seems that all the MINIs in L.A. were the ones that had been at all the other events and they were having issues with the clutches.  Which brings up something overheard at Road America-  Someone there said “It was great I spent the whole day learning how to drive a stick in a JCW MINI!”  and we wonder why the cars were on their last leg in L.A.

MINI United 2009 – Silverstone, UK

This was an epic trip to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Mini.  I could see why MINIUSA had tried to have an epic party, because this was amazing.  Seeing MINIs from around the world and how people had “You-i-fied” them was great.  MINIUSA set us up with a nice dinner (pub crawl) the night before and all access badges for the event.  During that time we had a chance to Meet Paddy Hopkirk, Rauno Aaltonen, and Mike Cooper (son of John Cooper) MINIUSA had arranged all these things for us and it was an unforgettable time.  While a small group we really got to know each other.  Memorable Moment: Touring MINI Oxford and meeting for the first time some folks I had only chatted online with, that group became the core of Cecil’s MINIons.

MINI Takes The States 2010 – Denver, CO

Here is where MINI tried to put everything together multiple routes heading to a one day party in Denver.  The best of both worlds.  We started in Indianapolis, where all the eastern routes converged.  By this time we had a group of friends from around the country who we drove with.  This was the MTTS I drew a comic strip for which means I was dead for most of the trip.  We would drive all day, socialize, and then I would draw, color, and scan a comic about the day’s events.  Memorable Moment: Dodge City.  We all kind of laughed at Dodge City, it was the stop a bunch of people skipped, which was their loss.  This was when we really got to get know the people who work tirelessly for MINI owners.  That and this was the first infamous squirt gun ambush of Jim McDowell, then head of MINIUSA.  The best things can happen when you least expect it.  This was when  knew MINI wasn’t just a brand, it was a way of life (as if I hadn’t figured that out already).  I’m sure some other people have fonder memories (like getting married)… oh you crazy kids!

MINI Takes The States 2012 – New York, NY to Los Angeles, CA

The original MINIons...
The original MINIons… in 2012

After trying different things MINIUSA went back to the epic road trip.  I had planned for this to be the swan song for my 2005 MCS, but it had other plans.  So with about three days ownership under my belt, I drove out my 2012 Roadster… This was the first appearance of the oval MINIon badge as the group we drove with got larger, more friends from all over the place.  I remember wondering why there wasn’t a stop in Indy this time around, but didn’t care once we got to Joliet and Autobahn.  It was amazing, with each day holding new surprises and delights.  Sue and I lived out of the boot of a Roadster the entire trip with one laundry stop and a quick stop at home on the way to Chicago to make sure the house was still there.  We left everything to MINIUSA and I don’t regret it for a minute. Show up for breakfast, start on the road, we missed a few things due to our own detours, but I would do it again in a heartbeat… I am doing it again- sort of.

MINI Takes The States 2014 – San Francisco, CA to Boston, MA

Due to work (as a school teacher I kinda need to be there at the beginning of the school year or else I’ll pay for it the rest of the year and we start back August 4) I’ll be going as far as Lubbock, TX.  Lubbock TX – this year’s Dodge City- I’m thinking it’s going to be great!  The small group from MINI United has grown to over 50 people.  This will be a chance for us to get together again.  I’ve heard grumbling about everything from venues to parking to people not paying but going along for the ride… whatever. Social Media has brought out the Trolls and Worrywarts.  I remember when I was one of them.  I now put my trust in MINIUSA, and TPG that I will have an awesome experience no matter far I go, and that I will see new and exciting things along the journey.

I think with a month to go people are really excited and are overthinking it.  Remember they have stores in every place we stop, if you forget your toothbrush, no problem. need a new pair of pants (don’t ask) you can stop along the route.  Recently MINI’s tagline was “Not Normal.” It isn’t normal for a car company to do this kind of thing… embrace the adventure.  Don’t set your expectations too high, just have fun- I know I will. Hopefully they won’t run out of food in St. Louis like they in in 2010, and you won’t have to listen to a football coach who doesn’t own a MINI (doesn’t even know what kind of car the University bought him) drone on about whatever- at least the steak was good.  Yes, some moments will not be perfect… but I don’t know of any day in my life where everything went perfectly.


  1. Don’t listen to the trolls (or feed them)
  2. Wear sunscreen
  3. Relax
  4. Pack a towel
  5. My comic from 2010 is still pretty accurate when it comes to packing.

If you are going, I look forward to meeting you- I’ll be the one with the monkey.  If you aren’t going… maybe next time or at another event there are some great events around the country – MINIs on the Dragon, Mickey & MINI, MINIs on Top, MINIs in the Mountains, A MINI Vacation in Vegas, just to name a few.  Catch up on what’s going on with MINI through places like White Roof Radio.  Owning a MINI is an adventure… embrace it, live outside your comfort zone for a few days.  Who knows? You might like it.