A Year of MINIons- MINIon #0061

0061As I’ve said before GP owners are a special breed… I’d have them all in white racing suits with white helmets (Darn! Why didn’t I think about that earlier!) but instead decided that I would draw GP MINIons in a similar manner, using the colours of the GP- silver, red and dark silver (of various shades, tints and tones).

In the case of MINIon #0061 he definitely knows how to drive in a manner that makes life more… invigorating. Having been passed by him in on a lonely road in Nevada in 2014 when my “thermometer” was reading well over 100, I know he was having fun with the GP.  Soft spoken and always positive, MINIon #0061 is great to be around and always someone who who will help a MINIon out in need.