Gizmo Girl Update- Oh what a tangled web.

gizmogirl2So as I have posted I’m taking a class from the Smithsonian about comic books.  Our final project is to create a superhero.  Many of the ideas are fantastic, mine was Gizmo Girl, an all-ages comics with a “strong female protagonist.”  The class requirements were to complete a slideshow defining your character.  Week one: define your mythic inspiration.  Week two: define your character’s superpowers, weaknesses, and origin.  Week three:  define your villain’s, origin, inspiration, powers, etc.  Week 4: Construct a basic story. Week 5: Make three panels from your scene.  I’ll share all of this when it’s ready, but for now I thought I would at least share an updated drawing of Gizmo Girl.  There might be some subtle changes, but I think this is the design I’m sticking with.  I’ve learned a lot over the past 6 years, and I know I’ll end up tweaking things, simplifying them as I draw more and more.  I’ve really enjoyed the class and have until the end of the month to get the last work done… wish me luck.  Now it’s off to figure out a villain (yes, Cecil would be an easy choice, but I’m trying to push myself a bit).

Comics for kids?!? That’s crazy talk!

11219445_10155477963985403_4963792743899817313_oIt’s the “off season” so like any pro athlete, I spend my time “training” and getting ready for next season.  For me it means going to conventions and learn new things or be reminded of things I have forgotten.  Next week is Kid’s Read Comics in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  A comic convention focusing on books for kids (and teens).  Some of my favorite creators are going to be there, so Cecil and I are really looking forward to it.  If you are in the area stop by and get some great kid’s comics, and if you happen to see a guy with a monkey on his head, that’s probably me.  I won’t have a table but I’ll be wandering around like a fan boy.  Here’s the a link to the program if you want to check out what’s going  and who is going to be there.