A Year in MINIons- MINIon #1319

1319So, this weekend, as you probably heard, a bunch of MINI Cooper owners headed to the upper peninsula of Michigan to break a world record and the MINIons were a part of this effort. From the four corners of the Earth people drove in hopes to create the longest parade of Mini cars… We needed 1451 we ended up with 1319. Sue and I (thanks to a friend) were able to bring all of our MINIs up for the attempt. While it ended up a failed attempt the best part was getting together with friends we don’t see that often. Here’s the thing, Sue and I arrive and are handed unique MINIon shirts- dark, dark grey with “Obey the Monkey” on the front and “MINION” on the back.
I am humbled by the friends I have made while driving around the country. These “MINIons” are such amazing people that I really don’t know what to say. Being an introvert, and not really socially adept (I’m probably on “the Spectrum”). I am amazed at how many friends I have gathered, especially those who embrace “the monkey.” So many people look at me funny and walk away… “He’s that guy who carries around that monkey everywhere.” I appreciate the people who smile, nod, and look behind my attempts to keep people away… and just laugh at the joke. I really don’t deserve these friends, but I learned a long time ago, from my grandmother, to just politely say “Thank You” and be quiet… So “Thank You MINIons.”

Yes, I'm weird. (Photo by Dee Quon)
Yes, I’m weird. (Photo by Dee Quon)