A Year in MINIons- MINIon #4244

4244Have you ever opened a drawer and looked down and think “Which t-shirt should I wear today?” I’ll admit during the week this isn’t a problem (the question becomes “Which bowtie should I wear today?”), on the weekend it can be difficult. MINI? Doctor Who? Mini? Superhero? Just plain weird? So many choices and with so many limited run t-shirt companies on the web, more every day. Today marks the beginning of the 5th Annual Geeky T-Shirt Week. (It’s an internet/Facebook thing) So today I’m wearing a nice grey shirt with the TARDIS on it that I picked up in South Carolina on Free Comic Book Day a couple years ago. Pretty mild when it comes to geek level, most people now recognize the reference and the design makes it pretty easy to cover up.  On a scale from 1 (a common logo) to 5 (The ROTJ characters: Klaatu Birrada & Nicto disco dancing with Gort – no, it doesn’t exist, I guess I have some drawing to do) I’d give this one around a 2.

Yes, I do have an entire box of MINI Cooper related t-shirts that I bring out for MTTS, because if your going where 15 straight days of MINI Cooper t-shirts you need to be prepared.

For the record I do won a “geek.” t-shirt.  I picked it up on my birthday a while ago from ThinkGeek.com.  I liked it so much I actually bought another one when the first one wore out.  So what is your geekiest t-shirt?  You know the one, you wear it and people scratch their heads trying to figure out the meaning.  Only a very few smile because they are from your geek tribe and get the significance of your choice.

One thought on “A Year in MINIons- MINIon #4244

  1. I have a humourous periodic table t-shirt which showed up recently on an episode of Big Bang Theory

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