This Week in Comics (My Pull List for 1-10-24)

Well, it has been a week… Mostly a feeling like “carp” week. I guess it doesn’t take that long for 35 years of antibodies to stop working efficiently and for me to get whatever crud was going around. In this case it was a sinus infection that waylaid me for a couple days until I finally decided to see a doctor and get antibiotics. What did this experience prove to me? I’m old. Also that I am amazed at how much I just pushed through as a teacher because of adrenaline and the need to be there “for the kids.” You see unlike many jobs a teacher doesn’t just “call in sick” they need to call in sick, then have full subplans ready with all materials run off and prepared. Even in today’s digital age this takes a couple hours- all while you are feeling like death warmed over. So early in my career I learned that it was better to just push through. I recall one year getting sick during the statewide standardized test… I came in and gave the test (to first graders) laying on the couch in my room with a quart of OJ, a box of saltines, and a box of tissues on a milk crate next to me. All so the kids could get their all important score, since no one else was allowed to administer the test. Those were the days!

The variable winner this week: Ultimate Spider-Man #1 with 25 (yes, TWENTY-FIVE) variant covers! umm… really?

This week’s comics including the Tony Harris’ variant for Justice Society #8. I know, I know, I rant about variants, but I will purchase those done by artists I really like, for titles I normally buy. I will not buy 25 copies of the same comic and speculate which will be the better investment after they have been slabbed. I bought this one after I purchased #8 because my LCS (Local Comic Shop) had run out before I could get there. I should have picked up the print at the Cincinnati Comic Expo, but didn’t, because I’m stupid.

This Week’s Comics:

Elles – 3. Elle Together – This trilogy of YA/All Ages graphic novels tells the story of Elle, a teenage girl who has ended up splitting her various personalities (the athlete, the bookworm, the adventurous, etc…) apart and hiding them away, each one mysteriously (magically) changes her hair color when they take control. There’s a lot more to it but *spoilers* This is the conclusion to the story, so there is a final battle in hopes to free the lost part of her and maybe regain some control. It’s a great story for kids trying to figure out how their feeling can control them and make them do stupid things. Probably already banned by Mom’s for Liberty and the State of Florida.
Giant-Size Spider-Man #1 – This is where things really get confusing when dealing with a multiverse which Marvel didn’t used to deal with as much (What If? was created just to be able to say- “cool idea, but not really part of our world), but now is their bread & butter. When does this take place? what universe? How does it tie into the current story line? I’m lost especially since there are some pretty dramatic things happening in this issue and I thought I had been keeping up on Miles and his exploits (currently Gang War ’nuff said).
Adventureman Ghost Lights #1 – To explain this completely is a long post in itself… Let’s just say reincarnation of a classic pulp hero wonderful storytelling, beautiful artwork and win-win as someone who was brought up reading Alex Raymond’s Flash Gordon. While a number one it is a continuation of a previous series. This happened with the Rocketeer when they’d switch publishers, so I’m used to it. All I can say is if you can find the back issues, pick them up and read them- it is awesome.
Sandman #4 – We continue in the Golden Age as Wesley Dodds confronts his inner demons being exposed to the same gas he uses on criminals. He now knows who he needs to go after to hopefully stop his research notebooks from being used for nefarious means.
Ultimate Spider-Man #1 – Variant Cover A. Did I mention Marvel is really milking the Multiverse for all it’s worth? Recently a series had the evil Reed Richards from one multiverse try to pull together a perfect world in which he stopped most of the heroes who would stop him from ever becoming heroes. For example- he plucked that little radioactive/genetically altered spider off its web just before it could bite Peter Parker… so no Spider-Man. Life goes on, things happen, Peter lives, Uncle Ben lives, Aunt May… Peter and MJ get married, have a couple kids life is wonderful, except… something is missing. One thing I loved about the first run of Ultimate Spider-Man was how we knew what was going to happen and they just kept building to it. Not in one issue, but a couple. In the Silver Age an origin was a paragraph and narrative text box, maybe a couple panels… that was it and then- “WHAM!” we’re off fighting crime. Retelling a simple origin and making it a stand alone story was cool. In this case this first issue, sets us up for what could be awesome… only time and future issues will tell.
Fishflies #4 – Jeff Lemire has written some pretty cool, and weird stuff. Fishflies falls into both those categories. Bad guy turned into giant bug now BFF for a lonesome little girl. It’s got a supernatural vibe and has with most of his work I will be going back and rereading it again and again finding new things each time until the series is complete.
Strange New Worlds The Scorpius Run #5 – The Federation and its core values are put to the test as we complete the Scorpius Run Race. How will this change the crew and the universe as we know it? As with many of the comics related to Star Trek… not in any noticeable way, but while we wait for a new season, it is nice to catch a few more adventures of the Enterprise under Christopher Pike.
Speed Force #3 – I’m really getting better at understanding younglingspeak… This comic is definitely geared toward a younger demographic than me. I mentioned in my last commentary on Speed Force that It just made me feel old. It still does, but then again, I am old. It looks like the story is coming to a climax with Social Media, Music, and stuff trying to take over the world!!! bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! See? Fredric Wertham was right!
Batman and Robin #5 – Single parent, Bruce Wayne tries to raise his son in Gotham City with hilarious results is this light sit-com. OK- I know I picked up the first issue, but may have neglected the others. This is what happens when you create pull list months before the comic is released. In some cases the comic isn’t even on the pull list because DC (or Marvel) decided to not announce it until after they printed out their monthly catalog. That is a wonderful excuse (that I’m sure I will use again), but may not actually be correct. Whatever.
Bruce and Damian Wayne are trying to figure out what bad things are going on at Gotham High… I know, I know, it’s high school there’s a lot of bad things going on. Bruce put Damian there specifically so he could relate to his peers… Damian is not amused. Currently they are trying to find “Shush” the female version of “Hush” and determine what horrible plot is being hatched. Hooray! Damian made it on the Football (Soccer) team and what’s up with that goalie?
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #15 – Gang War ’nuff said. I do apologize for those expecting more… It’s a massive cross title story that in the end will have little impact on the universe. If it does, great… give it a year and no one will remember. Big thing about this issue- Ms. Marvel makes a guest appearance after dying…
Action Comics #1061 – No matter how much I’d like to write this entire thing in Bizarrospeak, I won’t. Bizarro uses magic in hopes he will be able to return to Bizarro World? That’s my best guess. In the end, normally it would be something like “Hi-Jinks Ensue” and we all live happily ever after… Not this time.