This Week in Comics (My Pull List 1-17-24)

So I was sick… I know you heard about that already so I won’t go into details.  I dropped by Comic Carnival on Monday to pick up last week’s pull list to catch up… looking at what’s coming in this week, maybe I should have waited, it looks like it might be a light week.

Some comic collecting commentary then on with the show… You might notice I avoid certain titles.  I do this mostly because, while they are popular, they are also a tangled web.  I’m noticing that more and more often publishing companies try to tangle up stories in order to get you to read… everything.  When I started out collecting comics most  heroes appeared in one solo book.  The exceptions were Superman (Superman & Action Comics) and Batman (Batman & Detective Comics). There were limited other runs, and of course the Team books or Team-Up books, but again, unless the hero was amazingly popular it was in just one book.  Every once in a while there would be a crossover, but for the most part… one comic per hero or group. I used to read The Uncanny X-Men, I stopped when I couldn’t keep up with the continuity or which comic I should read.  Wait?!? Wasn’t Phoenix dead? So Wolverine is now an Avenger, and an X-Man and a member of Power Pack? That’s when I started looking outside the big two (DC & Marvel). I always recommend talking to your Local Comic Shop.  Tell them what you like, even though the kid behind the counter might not look old enough to drive, they know their comics and may have some suggestions.  Worst thing? You read something and come back saying – “it wasn’t for me.”  I’ve been shopping at the exact same store continuously for almost 40 years.  I trust everyone there, even the new kids. I’ve stumbled upon some great writers, artists and characters by just trying something new. You may have noticed as you look at my pull list…there is a mix- variety is the spice of life.

Speaking of variety the winner for number of variants last week was “Avengers Twilight #1” with a shabby 13 variants. Running a close second was “Cobra Commander #1” with 12.

This Week’s Comics:

Jay Garrick: The Flash #4 – I’ve always been a fan of the Flash- Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, Kevlar Age, Linoleum Age, pick an element and put age after it and I’d probably still be a fan.  So we’ve recently (Stargirl: The Lost Children Written by Geoff Johns, Art by Todd Nauck) introduced Judy- the Flash’s hitherto unknown daughter and as we find out a bit of history we find out the diabolical schemes that made the Flash, the Flash. Let’s just say – it wasn’t an accident.  Now what will Jay and Judy do about it?  I’m concerned that I may lose my favorite new edition to the Flash Family in the process, but I really hope not.

Superman #10 – aka Back to the Future 3?  I’m starting to think I need to stick with one Batman and one Superman title.  While each title has their own flavor, I think I just need to pick a story… it’s getting too confusing.  Superman is back in time fighting to return aided by a ghost of a hero from that time period.  The bad guy? A future cowboy who I recall first appeared in the 1970s…

Titans #7 – while the Titans have a massive event going on with Beast World which I am not following I seem to have been able to catch the end of it by just reading the main title.  Yes, I’ve missed out on some important details, but like many crossover/special events I can’t say I’m having issues (pun intended) about it.  So we find out who the evil aliens are, and many of the infected heroes are saved.  When Titans restarted it was hinted at that this was going to no longer be the “Jr. Justice League” but would actually replace the JLA… well they have dealt with an intergalactic bad guy, so… let’s see what happens next.  I’ve been reading the Teen Titans since the 1970’s they, like the Flash I have weathered through good times and bad… only time will tell.

Amazing Spider-Man #42 – Gang War ‘nuff said.

Jackpot #1 – Gang War ‘nuff said. Who is Jackpot?  MJ Watson granted super powers at some point after breaking up with Peter Parker… it’s as confusing as it sounds – Peter Parker, like Bruce Wayne can’t seem to have anything nice happen.  Although Bruce Wayne at least had money, until they took that away from him… kind of.

The Enfield Gang Massacre #6 – I’ve never, really never been one for westerns.  While I started reading this series because it connected to “That Texas Blood” a fictional true crime like series, I stuck around.  One thing it had was a fascinating prose portion.  Reminding me of the “Shade’s Journal” in Starman.  Telling a bit more of the detail and backstory for those willing to take the time… spoiler- the all live happily ever after, maybe, if you look at it from a certain point of view.

Unnatural Order #2 – you’ve heard about it..: drug dealers give you a “free sample” to get you hooked.  Well that’s kind of what happened here.  Issue one was free with purchase.  Like I explained to my students when encountering a new book… the first few chapters set up the rules for the world the writer has created.  They also introduce the characters… not all the details, but enough to get you to either care, or not.  If after a few chapters you decide it isn’t for you, you should be able to explain your reasoning.  Comics work the same way, in the “old days” the set up was done in panels.  By the end of the first page… you had everything you needed.  Now, it can take issues.  We’ve got mad science, and soldiers and magic and universe changing, you might even throw in some time travel- hard to say after one quick reading. After this issue (which I had to pay for) I’m curious as to how our intrepid band of adventurers will defeat the evil Druid and his minions.  

Phantom Road #8 – you know how I mentioned that Jeff Lemire just writes some weird stuff? Well, this is another one, but like everything else it’s weird, yet good.  

Star Trek #16 – Harry Kim is no longer an Ensign!  Dinosaurs!  Geology! Saving worlds!  Did I mention Harry finally got pips?

Black Hammer The End #5 – yes, Jeff Lemire rears his weirdness into my pull list again this week.  A little back story on the whole Black Hammer universe for those unaware.  These stories take place in an alternate universe in which a different set of heroes battle evil… the ultimate evil being the “Anti-God”. When the series first started a group had been transferred to another dimension in order to save their world.  Memories erased and trying to just lead ordinary lives.  There have been crossovers with the Justice League, some amazing characters like Sherlock Frankenstein and Cthu-Louise.  I felt it was like (but not like) Astro-City.  So now we reach “The End” and I’m not going to say B anything except that it is a unique take on dealing with the “great power…” bit and family responsibility.

What else am I reading?

I’ve been bouncing between some prose books using the *gasp* library… I’ve read Legends & Lattes but started with the prequel Bookshops & Bonedust. The story by Travis Baldree of a 1/2 orc mercenary looking at other career options. Owning a coffee shop, in a fantasy land that really had never heard of coffee seemed like a good move. overall I’ve been a big fan of “Comic Fantasy” a subgenre that makes fun of high fantasy and the overly serious nature of elves & the like. This fits right in and was a lite escape.

On the other hand I’ve always been a fan of Science Fiction aka Speculative Fiction. I tend to avoid books that require a glossary to understand what is going on. I recall in High School missing out on getting bumped into Honors English when my Freshman english teacher suggested I read Dune and I returned it after one chapter because it was just too hard to get through having to bounce between the glossary and the story. Then again I took Science Fiction in High School (Thank you Mr. Calkins for offering it) and didn’t have to take the final because my GPA in the class was so high. I instead sat during the final, reading the book that the class was being tested on, giggling at all the references Mr. Calkins had dropped throughout class the week before. I also took Science Fiction Advanced Projects and as my Senior Art project painted a mural on his door. That said I’ve been reading the Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells on the recommendation of my mother in-law and throughly enjoying it. I really can sympathize with Murderbot and his feeling towards humanity.

While sick (System Efficiency Down to 62%) I fell back to one of my old favorites- Dream Park by Larry Niven & Steven Barnes. I read the sequels, but nothing really equalled the first book and the unique premise- murder mystery, in the middle of a Live Action Role Playing Game in a completely immersive environment in a massive amusement park. Basically two story lines running simultaneously. The dates are off, but I’m still waiting for tech to catch up with what was envisioned. Then again it was written in the 80’s.