This Week in Comics (My Pull List 2-28-24)

I don’t know what to say this week, so many things are going on… Over the weekend I was able to spend time with some amazing fellow artists and creators- the Indy Webcomics Group. I joined this group years ago and with life and plagues I’d missed meeting with them. It was something I thought I had on my list (I’ll count it as part of Bucket List #22 – Draw everyday) The group is young (by my standards) artists and we hang around and draw, usually at a microbrewery. When I first joined we tried some joint tabling, and even an anthology… but it’s settled into a comfortable groove of meeting & drawing. What they call “Drink & Draw.”

Someone posted something on social media about their perfect book club- we all meet at a bar, and drink and read whatever we want quietly. The idea of like minded people gathering is nice… it doesn’t always mean we have to be social. I think that’s what I like about this group. We might start off talking about related things (this week was people’s feelings about the live action adaptation of The Last Airbender) which was interesting to listen to, but way over my head (That’s the one with the kid with the blue arrow on his forehead). We all just sit around tables and drew stuff. Some on paper, some digitally- it was awesome. There were some new people to group who were a little confused at first, I think when you first come in you think this is going to be a bunch of people talking about comics and art… it is, but it isn’t either. For me I played around with the Draw or Die Club prompts and a piece I’d been ignoring for my Local Comic Shop (still am putting it off a bit). When it comes to drawing I know that I’m fast… not necessarily good, but fast. Last week I talked about some of my weaknesses, I thought I’d work on those, but I didn’t. Instead I worked on a “rabbit with an agenda” and “the last dinosaur.”

Update On My Post Dealing With “Comic” Cons

I found it interesting that one of my favorite comic artists posted that he had dropped out of his Fan Expo appearances and was selling those pieces online. He decided to “readjust his focus to shows with little or NO actors.” I’m still waiting for our “local” Indiana Comic Con to actually announce who will be in artist alley and maybe an actual announcement about comic book artists and creators. With about 20 days to go… they are currently still posting about the celebrities who will be coming and those who have “sadly” pulled out. I even commented on one of their posts… within 48 hours they made a post highlighting three comic creators they had attending. Digging on their website, they have listed around seven people attending who are affiliated with comics… and 31 celebrities, a smattering of authors, cosplayers, and YouTuber/Influencers (panelists)… is this an actual Comic Con? I have nothing against the people who are going there to get autographs and photo-ops I just wish that there was more to it. Then again I was talking with someone at IWG about how expensive Cons have gotten when most people are just paying to shop in the dealer hall. I know there should be more programming, and more things to engage people. Here’s an Idea- a room in which you watch the celebrity’s favorite episode of their show… and they provide commentary as they watch it with you- might be funnier than MST3K. The problem is the celebrity makes a lot more money, sitting at a table signing stuff than they would doing that or worse… what happens if no one shows up? Just to compare, as of February 27th- Baltimore Comic Con doesn’t have any “Media Guests” listed yet, but does have 55 comic artists & creators attending their September show. Heroes Convention in Charlotte, NC has almost 70 artists and creators listed… and nothing so far as for media guests – their con is in June. Indiana “Comic Con”… tell me why (as a “comic book guy”) I should attend? 🙄

Health & Safety Update: On My Post About Curling

Wearing a helmet is a good thing. Also the rubber covers for your shoes come in a XXL size. My shoe uses an XL size. XXL don’t stay on well. Yes, I’m fine.

I won’t be posting anything (or even getting my comics next week) On the road again. I’ll tell you all about it… If I survive… I might bring my curling/bicycle helmet just in case.

According to CLZ the winner for most variants this week is: Red Sonja, Vol. 7 #8 with 21 variants!

This Week’s Comics:

HiLo Book 10: Rise of the Cat – Judd Winick is one of my favorites, his Frumpy the Clown was great, his Barry Ween was amazing, and HiLo is even more amazinger. (My blog, I can use whatever words I want). Some might even say it is “OUTSTANDING!” HiLo tells the story of a boy (robot) who comes to earth to stop the evil plans of Razorwark. Through the series we get silly things going on, but unlike some all ages titles, this is 1. well drawn. 2. Wholesome (even with the silly humor) 3. expands and grows the characters including 😱 strong female characters! 4. Has a really cool magic slinging cat (yes, I have a things for cats). In Book 10 we are dealing with Polly (the really cool magic slinging cat) who has now dealing with the consequences of her actions. This leads to a mystery, and a school of magic, and robots.I look forward to reading it again, and again. I do not look forward to waiting for Book 11, but good things come to those who wait. I gave the series to my niece and nephew… I wonder if they have even cracked them open 🙁

Amazing Spider-Man #44 – Gang War ’nuff said. Really there is only one more issue (Daredevil) before we get to the “Gang War: Aftermath” series for the next two or three months. This one did actually end most of the fighting and resulted in a winner, I’m sure this ordeal will end up being written on the winner’s Tombstone.

Detective Comics #1082 – OK- maybe it was falling and hitting my head on the ice during curling this morning, but this is really getting confusing. How much of this is actually happening, how much of it is just going on in Bruce Wayne’s messed up psyche?

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #17 – No more Gang War! 😁 Miles is also no longer dealing with the Anti-Vigilante law, but that won’t stop Agent Gao, or will it? Then there’s Rabble and let’s not forget the great and mighty Zip Zephyr!

Jay Garrick: The Flash #5 – Jay & Judy keep searching for Doctor Elemental and try to figure out his master plan. A guest appearance by Owl Man? At least the guy’s lair has an owl vibe going… And it wouldn’t be a comic without a damsel in distress! Still liking this title and hoping that bad things don’t happen to good people.

Phantom Road # 9 – We learn a bit more about the back stories of our main characters thanks to MacGuffin creature interaction. Still a bit confusing, still interesting enough for me to want to read more.

Defiant #12 – After soul searching and lots of introspection the crew of the Defiant arrive at Starbase 99 to deliver their prisoners. Starbase 99 makes Starbase 80 look like a five-star Risan Hotel. Wow! Did they pull something out of the past and hopefully tie up a few loose ends that trekkies have been wanting for a while… or maybe it’s just part of a growing “Conspiracy.”

Undiscovered Country #28 – So our heroes reunite and are on the train filled with bounty… will they ever get a break? More puzzle pieces seem to fall into place, as they wish they could just click their heels and go home. No such luck.

The Flash #6 – Just when I thought I was starting to understand what was going on… then this happens. At least it looks like Barry’s back (or is he?). I do like Wally, but this Speed force, multi dimensional whatever is giving me a head ache. Can we just fight super intelligent gorillas? Maybe deal with some teenage angst?

Radiant Black #28 & 28.5 – The third door… Who will deal with it best? Nathan or Marshall? Better yet, will Chicago survive after they are done. It is interesting that the comic is telling the same story in two different multiverses. Seems like either one has issues… Soon the “Catalyst” War might be over, or at least both universes might combine… just not right now.

Quested Season 2 #2- Captured by Jellii King Franz can Jinx escape? Courtroom Drama! Clever twists and turns not to mention legal hijinks! If he survives what horrible thing will he face next as he quests in the Underbraun.