A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0723

0723So I met this couple on the road during MTTS 2014 and as part of my not having to socialize I brought my sketch pad along to the evening event in Reno and doodled.  I ended up drawing a lot of MINIons for people and one of them was a MINIon Marine… Getting the basics right is easy, but having a retired Marine living across the street, I know there are specifics (even when talking about ex-marines vs. retired marines- and I probably got it wrong.) When I drew this in Reno I googled the Marine Corp insignia so that I got that right.  The good thing about my doodles is they are black and white, pen and ink, that’s all.  When adding color, you get an entirely new dimension to mess up.  I probably should have taken a picture of the drawing to make it easier- doh!