The past few strips are the start to an “epic” arc that hopefully with work will last a while.  It will reunite some old characters and should be some fun… some of you might have already figured out the adversary- but then again maybe not.  I’m working on building a buffer so we shouldn’t have any delay unless I mess up (which is always a possibility).  Oh, by the way, this is based on a “true” story, like almost everything on the Interwebs…

With great power…

The past few strips are the start to an "epic" arc that hopefully with work will last a while.  It will reunite some old characters and should be some fun... some of you might have already figured out the adversary- but then again maybe not.  I'm working on building a buffer so we shouldn't have any delay unless I mess up (which is always a possibility).  Oh, by the way, this is based on a "true" story, like almost everything on the Interwebs...

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