A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0083

0083I’m a teacher… I wanted to be one since I was in 4th grade. At least that’s when I recall first considering the idea, walking down the “halls” of Montemalaga Elementary School. Why? Am I a glutton for punishment? I chose my profession not because I wanted to make fistfuls of cash, but because I wanted to make a difference. As I grew older my ideas changed- I remember in middle school telling someone I wanted to be a biochemist- when asked “why?” all I could come up with was “it sounded cool.” So when I went to college I had three ideas for a profession- Teaching, International Business, or Advertising. I got the jolt to go into teaching when I looked at colleges and one told me they couldn’t give me a degree in elementary education.
You see when I was in 6th grade my parents decided to expand our family… so I ended up with two brothers, young enough for me to take on the role of babysitter. When I reached senior year I was able to get a job at a day care center. I recall when my mom asked about my first observation all I could think was “They call this work?!?” people say- do what you love… for more years than I can think I have tried.
So today’s MINIon is for all the teachers out there working against the politicians, and the media. Doing what they know is right to help create a future we all want to live in.
I couldn’t have done it alone, I was influenced by many wonderful teachers along the way. From my “Grandmother” (she never wanted to be called that) June- who without knowing it had three Nelson boys go to a classroom. My friend Mark’s mom, wh0 helped through the monotony that is undergrad, Education courses.  Along many master teachers I had – too many to name. I became the best teacher I could. Am I perfect? I wish. I still end up with a worm in an apple every once in a while… but that’s a part of life. My advice to you?- Just take some time to thank a teacher who influenced you, and remember them before you become a lemming and just follow the teachers are “Union Thugs” and “Lazy” line the media and politics are pushing.  To those students I’ve had- all I can say is “Thank You” for letting me be a small part of your hopefully wonderful life. And you know if you had done your homework… 😉

I do apologize for last week’s hiatus while unexpected I do hope you enjoyed at least a sneak peek at some of the other bits of artwork I worked on.

I thought I should celebrate a bit today since this comic marks the start of my third year.  I’m amazed that I have lasted this long, but this has been so much fun and exactly what I love (& like the kids, I’m looking forward to Summer’s start).  I did go back and look and some of the older comics (I do not recommend it) I do see some growth- this summer will hopefully give me even more time to grow and build.

As for today’s strip it was brought to you by the rabid need for accountability in today’s educational system… where creativity is crushed by highstakes tests that only test for- well, not much.  While kids tend to like testing weeks because of limited homework.  I’m sure I’m not the only teacher who would love to embellish the directions to add that special something to an otherwise boring morning.  I’m just looking forward to when my salary is determined by how my kids do on a test this one week-  so, anyone want to buy a t-shirt?

I try to keep my politics out of My Geek Odyssey, but sometimes and idea will not go away. As you might know my “day job” is teaching. I have gone off every once in while about some of the “joys” of teaching, but I do try to stay away from it. Not saying there isn’t a lot of material to choose from. So what brought on today’s strip? In Indiana (and across the country) there seems to be a trend to attack public school teachers. Teachers are “bad” & the system is broken, it needs to be fixed right now, no matter what the actual facts & figures say. There is an answer to the problems in education- unfortunately, more testing, charter schools, vouchers, or merit pay is not it. Check and see the success, the real success rate of these proposals in places that have tried them. They don’t work… there is no silver bullet (except maybe to just let teachers teach). If I start climbing on my soapbox I’ll be here forever… Just think about it logically and support those poor folks who are in the trenches trying to get kids to learn (no matter what is happening in their lives the more than 16 hours they aren’t at school). Remember Teachers are Supreme Undisputed Champions of Knowledge, or at least we try to be for every student who walks through our classroom door, whether or not they did their homework, or had a good breakfast.