What are we up to… take 47?

It’s been a long while and many things have changed since I last posted anything. So let’s try this whole thing from the beginning…

Hi! I’m Bruce, sometime cartoonist, most of the time stressed out elementary school teacher “happily” living with my wife, two cats and a stuffed monkey trying to figure out the meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything or at least trying to figure out what 42 has to about it. I like to draw (but don’t do it that much) I like to motor (that’s the MINI term for driving aimlessly around), I build LEGO sets, I play games, read comic books, and I stress about all the adulting I should be doing.

During the week I teach Robotics & Design to grades 1-6 in a public school. I coach the robotics team (yes, it is a sport) and try to figure out how to prepare elementary kids for a future I may never see. I’m glad I read science fiction as a kid, but somehow that isn’t helping since we didn’t colonize the Moon in the 1980’s and aliens have not made their presence known, yet. Also… flying cars?!? I know I was suppose to have one by now. The current view of the future is grim.

I have tried to do a blog in the past and end up figuring out that what I have to say isn’t that important- I’m not a celebrity. I’m not too controversial (teachers learn to hide that side, if they like to stay employed). I’m just a geek traveling through life trying to make sense of it all, and learning that failing is all part of the process. So for today this was a start… we’ll see what tomorrow brings.

A Year in MINIons- MINIon #0083

0083I’m a teacher… I wanted to be one since I was in 4th grade. At least that’s when I recall first considering the idea, walking down the “halls” of Montemalaga Elementary School. Why? Am I a glutton for punishment? I chose my profession not because I wanted to make fistfuls of cash, but because I wanted to make a difference. As I grew older my ideas changed- I remember in middle school telling someone I wanted to be a biochemist- when asked “why?” all I could come up with was “it sounded cool.” So when I went to college I had three ideas for a profession- Teaching, International Business, or Advertising. I got the jolt to go into teaching when I looked at colleges and one told me they couldn’t give me a degree in elementary education.
You see when I was in 6th grade my parents decided to expand our family… so I ended up with two brothers, young enough for me to take on the role of babysitter. When I reached senior year I was able to get a job at a day care center. I recall when my mom asked about my first observation all I could think was “They call this work?!?” people say- do what you love… for more years than I can think I have tried.
So today’s MINIon is for all the teachers out there working against the politicians, and the media. Doing what they know is right to help create a future we all want to live in.
I couldn’t have done it alone, I was influenced by many wonderful teachers along the way. From my “Grandmother” (she never wanted to be called that) June- who without knowing it had three Nelson boys go to a classroom. My friend Mark’s mom, wh0 helped through the monotony that is undergrad, Education courses.  Along many master teachers I had – too many to name. I became the best teacher I could. Am I perfect? I wish. I still end up with a worm in an apple every once in a while… but that’s a part of life. My advice to you?- Just take some time to thank a teacher who influenced you, and remember them before you become a lemming and just follow the teachers are “Union Thugs” and “Lazy” line the media and politics are pushing.  To those students I’ve had- all I can say is “Thank You” for letting me be a small part of your hopefully wonderful life. And you know if you had done your homework… 😉