Seasonal Degree of Difficulty

We all know of a geocache that during some seasons is a whole lot easier than other seasons...

This Week in Comics (My Pull List 1-24-24)

So this week was a bit lean when it came to titles but all in all some good things. I was actually able to spend part of yesterday catching up on some work in the Pit the Despair. Bagged and boarded a couple hundred back issues so I might be able to go back and read them in a decade or so. Mostly Justice Society and Golden Age heroes most people don’t care about. It was nice to catch up on some organization work. As always a bit of commentary then the reviews.

When I first started reading comics it was pretty much art first, story second. I liked to look at the pictures. I followed artists, not writers. I’d stop reading a comic when the artist switched. This was in the time of Frank Miller- Daredevil, John Byrne- X-Men and Fantastic Four, George Perez – Teen Titans, Walt Simonson – Thor, Bill Sienkiewicz – Moon Knight… you get the idea. I took a break from comics during the whole 90’s and when I returned (as a way to escape the stresses of grad school) I started focusing on art and story, in some cases story was more important than art. Maybe I had grown as an artist, maybe I’d matured as a reader, I don’t know. Now if you can’t tell I read a rather eclectic mix some with amazing art, some with amazing stories, most with a good mix of both. For this I thank the folks at my LCS (Local Comic Shop). I started stopping into Comic Carnival when it was on the way to my grad school classes which met on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I learned about the pull list when I kept missing some issues since new comics came out on Wednesdays. Over the next 30+ years things started to just show up in my stack. For those who don’t understand, most comic shops have a pull list for regular customers. the customer comes in is given a list of comics and basically, a couple months before the comic comes out orders it. When that issue comes out it is pulled. As the customer, I have already paid for it, but then after a while they get to know you and start pulling other things for you. I’d also get pulled aside and asked about things I didn’t mark on my list. “Bruce, you’ve always pulled Captain America, you didn’t this month…” I’d say I wasn’t interested in the way the story was going… then I’d be told, I had missed out on a super key issue that they’d sold out of and they’d try to get me a second printing… or it might be “OK, just checking.” The moral of this story… get to know your local shop, support them, they’re great people and they will take care of you.

Variant winner this week according to the CLZ Newsletter- Red Sonja #7 with 17 variants… although in the next line the mention Femme Force : Taylor Swift #1 had 18 variants… Ummm… why do you need that many? I didn’t need 25 Princess Diana purple Beanie Babies. Then again Quested had 9, Defiant and Power Pack each had 3. I received the “A” versions of each which means the one that everyone gets.

This Week’s Comics:

Star Trek Defiant Annual #1 – So what is an Annual? You’ve seen a few of these show up in my list. For the most part these are bigger issues. They can either start or finish a story line, or could be a one off story. In the case of Defiant this is a background story of Sela- you know Tasha Yar’s daughter who has played a villain over the course of a few Star Trek story lines. Here we get to see her come to grips with her mommy issues. It is basically starting off a new twist for the crew of the Defiant when they finally meet up.

Ministry of Compliance #2 – Issue number 1 was pulled for me, and I frankly kept meaning to pull issue number 2 but being me, forgot. This week I remembered. So the world is secretly being run by aliens (who look just like us) with various ministries in charge of various aspects. The Ministry of Compliance is the ministry in charge of keeping everyone in line. Right now, everything has fallen apart and there is a scramble to figure out what they should do next… I rarely will pull something from a comic, but I felt these three panels say a lot about the world we live in… Yes, comics do offer social commentary, and not just spandex.

Mech Cadets #5 – I was reading this back when it was Mech Cadet Yu and before Netflix turned it into a cartoon. The Earth has been attacked by aliens, we were rescued by giant robots that bond with their pilots. The Military Industrial complex doesn’t like being dependent of aliens so they build their own… Now aliens are back and those in power giving the orders aren’t listening to the people who know better. You think their hearts might be in the right place, but… so they are abandoning a unauthorized rescue attempt which could save the planet… gotta love egos.

Detective Comics #1081 – Is it real? Is it a fever dream? What are they putting Batman through this time, because it is so much fun to torture Batman. Last entry I said, I’m seriously thinking about dropping one of my Superman and Batman titles… In Batman, Bruce Wayne is getting beaten up by his own subconscious in the form of Zur-En-Arrh. In Detective he’s been hung and now is finding himself in some weird dreamscape… Where’s the giant penny? Where’s the giant typewriter? You know chum, this is getting to be a bit much for me.

Power Pack Into the Storm #1 – in an attempt to create an all ages comic decades ago Marvel created “Power Pack” a group of siblings who each got powers and saved the World from aliens. It was a cool comic, Louise Simonson did an amazing job. They’ve brought the team back and mixed them in with Franklin Richards of the Fantastic Four. This is a flashback to an early adventure and with it being issue #1 it is just setting up the pack trying to save an alien princess and their friend from evil aliens…

Quested Season 2 #1 – Fun D&D adventure… I won’t go into it, because the intro at the beginning of the issue goes over Season 1 better than I could. Let’s just say the band has broken apart, but they will get back together at some point…

The Flash #5 – Wally West the original Kid Flash, who took the Flash mantle when Barry Allen was “killed” during Crisis on Infinite Earths. Wally has been put through the wringer during all the various Crisis that DC comics decided they needed. He is back, with his wife and kids finally and trying to figure it all out. Last month he was wandering around a garden filled with statues trying to determine the meaning of life (42). This time around we are following his son Jai. Now as we know super powers are fickle, sometime heroes pass them along, sometimes, they don’t. In this case Jai’s sister got the super speed power and Jai… well he got a mixed bag, that includes things like super strength and some other weird things. In this issue Jai comes to grips with his powers, but also his destiny. Remember when you were a kid? I know for me at some point I had to let my parents down and let them know their idea (or what I thought their dream for me) wasn’t what I wanted. For me it was getting into a super elite private school and after the first week being asked if I was happy. I was honest (for probably the first time didn’t just say what I thought they wanted to hear) and said “No.” Like any kid, I figure I’d let them down, and I probably did, but they said “OK” and on Monday I was back at my old public school, with my friends. FYI- my old public school was one of the top schools in California, so I really wasn’t losing anything education wise, just I didn’t have to deal with ultra snobby kids. So Jai, after all this and thinking he’s going to let his dad down, tells him that he really isn’t into the whole superhero thing and then has to deal with the consequences. Basically one of those comics that focused more on character growth than action… which is OK.

Next week- same Bat-time. Same Bat-channel. Unless Bruce Wayne is dead (again) which means we’ll have to wait 3-8 months for him to return.

This Week in Comics (My Pull List 1-17-24)

So I was sick… I know you heard about that already so I won’t go into details.  I dropped by Comic Carnival on Monday to pick up last week’s pull list to catch up… looking at what’s coming in this week, maybe I should have waited, it looks like it might be a light week.

Some comic collecting commentary then on with the show… You might notice I avoid certain titles.  I do this mostly because, while they are popular, they are also a tangled web.  I’m noticing that more and more often publishing companies try to tangle up stories in order to get you to read… everything.  When I started out collecting comics most  heroes appeared in one solo book.  The exceptions were Superman (Superman & Action Comics) and Batman (Batman & Detective Comics). There were limited other runs, and of course the Team books or Team-Up books, but again, unless the hero was amazingly popular it was in just one book.  Every once in a while there would be a crossover, but for the most part… one comic per hero or group. I used to read The Uncanny X-Men, I stopped when I couldn’t keep up with the continuity or which comic I should read.  Wait?!? Wasn’t Phoenix dead? So Wolverine is now an Avenger, and an X-Man and a member of Power Pack? That’s when I started looking outside the big two (DC & Marvel). I always recommend talking to your Local Comic Shop.  Tell them what you like, even though the kid behind the counter might not look old enough to drive, they know their comics and may have some suggestions.  Worst thing? You read something and come back saying – “it wasn’t for me.”  I’ve been shopping at the exact same store continuously for almost 40 years.  I trust everyone there, even the new kids. I’ve stumbled upon some great writers, artists and characters by just trying something new. You may have noticed as you look at my pull list…there is a mix- variety is the spice of life.

Speaking of variety the winner for number of variants last week was “Avengers Twilight #1” with a shabby 13 variants. Running a close second was “Cobra Commander #1” with 12.

This Week’s Comics:

Jay Garrick: The Flash #4 – I’ve always been a fan of the Flash- Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, Kevlar Age, Linoleum Age, pick an element and put age after it and I’d probably still be a fan.  So we’ve recently (Stargirl: The Lost Children Written by Geoff Johns, Art by Todd Nauck) introduced Judy- the Flash’s hitherto unknown daughter and as we find out a bit of history we find out the diabolical schemes that made the Flash, the Flash. Let’s just say – it wasn’t an accident.  Now what will Jay and Judy do about it?  I’m concerned that I may lose my favorite new edition to the Flash Family in the process, but I really hope not.

Superman #10 – aka Back to the Future 3?  I’m starting to think I need to stick with one Batman and one Superman title.  While each title has their own flavor, I think I just need to pick a story… it’s getting too confusing.  Superman is back in time fighting to return aided by a ghost of a hero from that time period.  The bad guy? A future cowboy who I recall first appeared in the 1970s…

Titans #7 – while the Titans have a massive event going on with Beast World which I am not following I seem to have been able to catch the end of it by just reading the main title.  Yes, I’ve missed out on some important details, but like many crossover/special events I can’t say I’m having issues (pun intended) about it.  So we find out who the evil aliens are, and many of the infected heroes are saved.  When Titans restarted it was hinted at that this was going to no longer be the “Jr. Justice League” but would actually replace the JLA… well they have dealt with an intergalactic bad guy, so… let’s see what happens next.  I’ve been reading the Teen Titans since the 1970’s they, like the Flash I have weathered through good times and bad… only time will tell.

Amazing Spider-Man #42 – Gang War ‘nuff said.

Jackpot #1 – Gang War ‘nuff said. Who is Jackpot?  MJ Watson granted super powers at some point after breaking up with Peter Parker… it’s as confusing as it sounds – Peter Parker, like Bruce Wayne can’t seem to have anything nice happen.  Although Bruce Wayne at least had money, until they took that away from him… kind of.

The Enfield Gang Massacre #6 – I’ve never, really never been one for westerns.  While I started reading this series because it connected to “That Texas Blood” a fictional true crime like series, I stuck around.  One thing it had was a fascinating prose portion.  Reminding me of the “Shade’s Journal” in Starman.  Telling a bit more of the detail and backstory for those willing to take the time… spoiler- the all live happily ever after, maybe, if you look at it from a certain point of view.

Unnatural Order #2 – you’ve heard about it..: drug dealers give you a “free sample” to get you hooked.  Well that’s kind of what happened here.  Issue one was free with purchase.  Like I explained to my students when encountering a new book… the first few chapters set up the rules for the world the writer has created.  They also introduce the characters… not all the details, but enough to get you to either care, or not.  If after a few chapters you decide it isn’t for you, you should be able to explain your reasoning.  Comics work the same way, in the “old days” the set up was done in panels.  By the end of the first page… you had everything you needed.  Now, it can take issues.  We’ve got mad science, and soldiers and magic and universe changing, you might even throw in some time travel- hard to say after one quick reading. After this issue (which I had to pay for) I’m curious as to how our intrepid band of adventurers will defeat the evil Druid and his minions.  

Phantom Road #8 – you know how I mentioned that Jeff Lemire just writes some weird stuff? Well, this is another one, but like everything else it’s weird, yet good.  

Star Trek #16 – Harry Kim is no longer an Ensign!  Dinosaurs!  Geology! Saving worlds!  Did I mention Harry finally got pips?

Black Hammer The End #5 – yes, Jeff Lemire rears his weirdness into my pull list again this week.  A little back story on the whole Black Hammer universe for those unaware.  These stories take place in an alternate universe in which a different set of heroes battle evil… the ultimate evil being the “Anti-God”. When the series first started a group had been transferred to another dimension in order to save their world.  Memories erased and trying to just lead ordinary lives.  There have been crossovers with the Justice League, some amazing characters like Sherlock Frankenstein and Cthu-Louise.  I felt it was like (but not like) Astro-City.  So now we reach “The End” and I’m not going to say B anything except that it is a unique take on dealing with the “great power…” bit and family responsibility.

What else am I reading?

I’ve been bouncing between some prose books using the *gasp* library… I’ve read Legends & Lattes but started with the prequel Bookshops & Bonedust. The story by Travis Baldree of a 1/2 orc mercenary looking at other career options. Owning a coffee shop, in a fantasy land that really had never heard of coffee seemed like a good move. overall I’ve been a big fan of “Comic Fantasy” a subgenre that makes fun of high fantasy and the overly serious nature of elves & the like. This fits right in and was a lite escape.

On the other hand I’ve always been a fan of Science Fiction aka Speculative Fiction. I tend to avoid books that require a glossary to understand what is going on. I recall in High School missing out on getting bumped into Honors English when my Freshman english teacher suggested I read Dune and I returned it after one chapter because it was just too hard to get through having to bounce between the glossary and the story. Then again I took Science Fiction in High School (Thank you Mr. Calkins for offering it) and didn’t have to take the final because my GPA in the class was so high. I instead sat during the final, reading the book that the class was being tested on, giggling at all the references Mr. Calkins had dropped throughout class the week before. I also took Science Fiction Advanced Projects and as my Senior Art project painted a mural on his door. That said I’ve been reading the Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells on the recommendation of my mother in-law and throughly enjoying it. I really can sympathize with Murderbot and his feeling towards humanity.

While sick (System Efficiency Down to 62%) I fell back to one of my old favorites- Dream Park by Larry Niven & Steven Barnes. I read the sequels, but nothing really equalled the first book and the unique premise- murder mystery, in the middle of a Live Action Role Playing Game in a completely immersive environment in a massive amusement park. Basically two story lines running simultaneously. The dates are off, but I’m still waiting for tech to catch up with what was envisioned. Then again it was written in the 80’s.

The Bucket List Challenge?

I’ve been a bit under the weather recently which has given me some introspection time and time to reflect on and reset some goals I had been working on.

Sue and I had talked about what we would do during our post work lives, and to help get things organized (this was pre-word of the year -“whim”) she bought us both a bucket list journal.  Basically a workbook to help figure out what your “real” goals are… if you haven’t seen the film “The Bucket List” I do recommend it even though it is rather depressing.  I started working on my workbook with the first exercise defining my goals in 10 different categories.  Since I was at the end of my career I could go light on things like “Professional” and while I do want to support causes I went a little light of “Giving” since, as an educator, I’d given a lot over 35 years.  From there take those goals and turn them into actual items.  “See the world” gets broken down into specific activities/places.  Mostly, for me, the “why” was important. Honesty to myself became a key part of this… why do I really want to?  While I really like my comfort zone (it’s cozy) everyday I walked into school I knew I was stepping out of it.  Retirement has made it easy to stay there, so what could I do to push myself out of that comfy, cozy place and help me be a better human being?  If you see over the past six or so months I’ve done a lot of going places and interacting, or lurking around other people.   You see, being an introvert, with very low self-esteem, it takes a lot out of me to “Embrace my inner ‘Bob’” which is to say be extroverted.  I had to do this a lot at school… people got to a point where they might have even seen me as a leader, or outgoing… nope, just an act.  Imposter syndrome runs strong in this one.

My original bucket list had about 60 things on it when the smoke cleared, a lot of travel and experiences, and a lot of “learn to…” Some were attempts to establish routines, “Draw every day” or visit my God daughter at least once a year… others were low hanging fruit- do something once, try it out, then decide if it was something that could become routine or tradition.

In 2023 I did a lot of exploration- seeing what might actually be something I would want to focus on.  I was concerned that after devoting all that time and energy into teaching, I had no idea who or what I was outside of a teacher.  I knew, I was “that weird teacher, that no one understood, or really wanted to be around.”  I was the guy who walked away the minute the conversation turned to sports scores, or sneakers, which seemed to be the only thing people wanted to talk about.  I was was passionate about teaching, but my other passions were so geeky, no one really cared to socialize with me.  One favorite memory (reminded me of when I was in high school, but that’s another story…) was the last day of school getting invited by my teaching team to go out for a beer.  I realized about halfway through that this obviously seemed to have been a regular thing with these people, and I had just never been included.  That was on me, I could have tried harder, but I didn’t like being fake… I’d grown up in Southern California and had enough of dealing with fake people in the end only to be ignored.  So, still was figuring things out- was I a Board Gamer, a Cartoonist, a LEGO enthusiast, a MINI Cooper enthusiast, a Sociopath, a… dull boring old guy?   Low hanging fruit… I went to conventions- Gen Con, Cartoon Crossroads Columbus (CXC), Power Con, New York Comic Con. I went to museums – the Strong Museum of Play Bucket List #57, the Neon Museum, the Stephen F. Udvar-Hazy Center, the Space & Rocket Center along with just small little ones.  I had a few adventures – Going Caching, GeoWoodstock, the Macy’s Thanksgivings Day Parade Bucket List #7, MINI Together.  I tried to reconnect with groups (social stuff=scary) – Geocachers, Indy LEGO Users Group, MINI Car Club of Indiana, Indy Webcomics Group.  Some of these were successful… actually, looking at it- all taught me something about myself and my relationship to each group.

So My Bucket List…

After a valiant effort my bucket list is a work in progress.  There are still a lot of low hanging fruit to pick, some things have moved to higher branches (They’re probably sour anyway).  This year we have a few things that are non-negotiable.  MINI Takes The States is one of them.  I’ve been on part of every one, why stop now?  It will also take me to places I’ve never been and give me opportunities to return to places I haven’t visited since I was a child.  Bucket List #10 find a geocache in every state in the lower 48. The route back will make this possible.  Also my older brother lives near the end, so I can visit, and see where he decided to retire. Funny thing, family is still kind of important, after all these years and everything that has happened along the way. I have learned over the years don’t get used to warm Norman Rockwell family moments.

GeoWoodstock is another adventure, more because it seems like a nice tradition to celebrate the anniversary of my retirement…. I’m no where near the avid Geocacher I was when I first started out, but I still enjoy the hobby and as long as I’m not having to deal with prickly things… These are some good people.

Sue and I both want to travel around and learn about new places.  This year we plan to visit Billund, Denmark.  For most of you the question is WTF?!? There are so many places in Europe, why an unheard of city in Denmark.  No, I’m not Danish (Sue… a bit).  So why? An interest in Hans Christian Andersen? A love of petite mermaids and ugly ducklings? “Alas poor Yorick?” Actually, Billund is the home to the LEGO Group.  Ahhhh… Now it all makes some sense.  Since leaving my part time gig at the LEGO Store I haven’t bought as much, and since leaving teaching, I’ve taken even more of a step back, I still enjoy being an Adult Fan Of LEGO (AFOL) just not enough to display, or go to meetings (Both require being social).  LEGO House has special tours throughout the year, the “Inside Tour,” and the “Fan Tour.”  The Inside Tour is three days, very intense, application and lottery to get in.  I’ve applied three times, never gotten in.  The fan tour is a single day, a long, full day.  You just have to hope that tickets don’t sell out once they go on sale.  We lucked out and were able to get a couple.  I received my Inside Tour Rejection email a couple weeks after getting my Fan Tour confirmation. There are some differences, but in actuality, not enough for me to grumble. Basically, I miss out on chatting with designers (social = anxiety), a special shopping experience (have you seen my basement?), and a unique gift (again, have you seen my basement?!?). I’m sure I’ll be fine. We’re planning to do a bit of Odense (Hans Christian Andersen’s Hometown) and Copenhagen while we’re there. Billund is Bucket List #47  as we keep coming up with more places to visit in the area (Sue’s weirdly into bog people), making it already set for a return trip sometime… if we like what we see.

This stupid sickness has kept me from a few things this week the most import to me was Bucket List #70 – Curling.  Yes, I decided to join the Circle City Curling Club’s Rookie League and after one session, I get sick.  The one thing I promise myself (even though Social Stuff = Anxiety) I will make it next week, and try to fit in some practice to make up my missed session. You see (as far as my old brain can remember) growing up, I would start an activity (usually in my case non-sportsing) and I would end up due to whatever, missing one meeting.  I rarely returned to the activity after that.  As for why curling?  Because it’s not pickle ball… and over the years I have discovered a few activities that I actually enjoy and don’t embarrass myself at- down hill skiing was one I learned in high school (many thanks to my friend Rob who invited me to join his brother and him for a long weekend at Mammoth Mountain) and just never have the chance to ski- Bucket List #67. The other one, was after a “Learn to Curl” evening a few years ago, curling.  I still have a lot to learn, and I may change my mind, but…

As for some other things… time will tell.  As I said earlier, there are some things I sadly just don’t see happening anymore.  Will they get removed from the list?  Not yet, ever the optimist, but also realist enough not to get my hopes up.  I learned when you want to share an experience with someone, they have to want to be a part of that experience.  You can lead a horse to water… or like I used to tell my students “Actions speak louder than words.”  You can tell me how important this is, how much you really, really really, want to… but if you don’t actually make time or put forth effort- it’s only words.  So my bucket list items that have something to do with “spending more time,” or doing something with someone else, have become less appealing.  Yes, I still do, but I also don’t want to drag someone along (again, high school memories… a story for another time). As for needing permission (as an adult) I’m fortunate enough that Sue’s response to most of my requests is “Is your insurance paid up?”  No guilt trips about spending too much money (she trusts my financial anxiety levels) or my guilt at leaving the poor cats to fend for themselves.

As for my word for 2024 – “whim” as you can tell I have a plan (how unwhimlike), but there is more than enough room to whim, and whim, and whim some more.

MINI Takes The States – A Not So Brief History & A Beginners Guide to MTTS

So it’s happening again, MINI Takes The States aka MTTS. For most MINI owners this is something they have spent two years planning for. Many MINI owners might not have a clue as to what this is. For most car owners this just gives them another reason to look at us weird.

Getting a Bit Personal…

First of all most automotive brands have some kind of following, those people who have always dreamed of owning a certain kind of car. Some brands cater to this, some it’s the exclusivity, some it’s just the fact that you now own something that means everyone who needs to move will call you to help them haul their stuff around. It took me a while to figure out which brand was me. I had owned a few different cars in my life, Sue and I had gotten into a habit that every 5 or more years we would start looking around (basically pay off one car and start looking for the next) It was Sue’s turn and she was happy with what she had (a Kermit the Frog Green Honda Del Sol that she still misses) and I saw somewhere that MINI was launching in the US. That Spring Break we vacationed in Savannah, Georgia and on the drive there we visited every MINI dealership… None of them were open, most had not even broken ground. I was just fascinated by this irreverent little British car. It took another 5 or so years before I finally pulled the trigger. I had just left a rather stressful board meeting and decided I would test drive a MINI Cooper S (R53*). After that I ordered one- because that’s what you had to do… you had to order it and then wait until it went into production, then follow it through the factory, the ship to Charleston, and then wait for the call that it was ready to pick up. You learned patience. In 2005 my dark silver with a white top R53 arrived and was given the name “Penfold.” See that’s what MINI owners do… we name our cars. MINI at that time pushed to be the brand for those who were “Not Normal.” It was funny because the first time I pulled into work in my MINI someone commented that the car just seemed to fit me.

MINI Takes The States 2006 early morning as everyone pulled in. Taken by me from the Gateway Arch. Third row from the bottom, first from the middle on the left side… that would be Penfold.

I’ve been a part of every MTTS since 2006, I haven’t been fortunate to do the entire event each time, but this is my story. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. Professional driver on a closed course. Do not attempt this at home. Not affiliated with MINI, MINIUSA, or the Universal Brotherhood of Elves, Tomten, Bumbles, and Holiday Toy Manufacturers Local #4238.

MINI Takes The States 2006 – 15 days

In 2006 MINI was starting production of the new model so they decided to have one last “cool” version of the R53- the John Cooper Works GP. These would be a very limited edition, each numbered. and would be available for delivery at a very special event in Monterey, CA. The event was the start of something they decided to try called “MINI Takes The States.” It was a celebration to “motoring” and what makes America a great place to motor. I had just had Penfold for less than a year, I was not going to trade him in for a newer model, but event seemed interesting. Of course being a school teacher I could not attend since it happened over what normal people call the end of the Summer but what teachers know of as the start of school. In fact they would be going through Indianapolis on a Wednesday… the day after Back to School Night. I attended Back to School night, jumped into Penfold, drove to St. Louis, checked into the hotel, got about 2 maybe 3 hours sleep, checked out (they didn’t have the heart to charge us the daily rate for parking) and parked under the Gateway Arch with the other MINIs. We then drove back to Indianapolis, and I helped the local club check cars in for a lap around the historic Indianapolis Motor Speedway. After everything I learned that this wasn’t a race, and I should have taken a little more time to enjoy the scenery. Nothing else was planned for the day. MINIUSA had actually asked the local club to not plan anything- they looked at it as a day of rest… the participants wanted something, so we all congregated across the street and I got to meet some people who have been close friends ever since.

Things happen- that day in Indianapolis, there was a bit of an accident and poor Gromit ended up with a crunched door. The community gathered in that gravel parking lot, we laughed, commiserated and we all signed the crunched door. We pulled together… and to me that was when I knew I had found a tribe that I could appreciate.

You see, Sue had a Honda S2000 and we had done a few things with that club. I found it interesting that it seemed to be a bunch of guys who all they wanted to do was mod their cars and talk about how cool they were. They would talk to me, because I was another guy, not Sue who owned the car. The MINI community was different, we were all misfits, some of us loved our MINIs because of the “Go-Kart Handling” others because it was “Cute” others, because of the unique design, and still others because of the “Rally Heritage.” We all had one thing in common… we loved our MINI and appreciated everyone else for their similar love of their own MINI. I will often speak of “finding your tribe” I go to a Comic Book, or Star Trek Convention and I know I am with my people. These are people who understand, who don’t look at you funny, because of what you wear or what you say. MINI is that kind of community. That first MINI Takes The States, all 36 hours of it for me, was enough for me to know.

MINI Takes The States 2008 – 3 days (each location)

Two years later in 2008 MINIUSA decided to try it again… this time they tried to replicate what had been done in Europe with MINI United… It was fun, but… Four locations a weekend party. Miami, Boston, Chicago, and Los Angeles. by this time Sue now had a MINI so we took hers to Chicago, which was actually held in Wisconsin. We scratched our heads a bit, but being at Road America was really cool. Blues Traveller was the headliner and they had a chance for people to try out the latest MINIs on an Autocross set up. The saddest thing I heard at the end of the day was a teenager thinking he was so cool because he got to learn how to drive stick on a John Cooper Works MINI. We flew out to Los Angeles to attend MTTS at the Rose Bowl, we didn’t have a MINI and created “Counterfeit MINI” only to be relegated to the “non-MINI” parking. I recall trying the autocross again, this time with my dad only to be told that I needed to be gentle since most of the clutches had been shot during the previous events…

MINI Takes The States 2010 – longest route 8 days

It now had become a thing… so in 2010 MINIUSA did it again, this time a combination of 2006 & 2008. Four different routes three converging in Indianapolis, and then everyone heading to Colorado. In 2009 I had started “My Geek Odyssey” after attending MINI United in the UK. I actually had done a comic strip that had gotten the notice of the people planning the event… to keep me quiet, they asked me to do one during the trip. I was planning on jumping on in Indianapolis (you bring the parade down my street, I’m going to join along) so I started working with them. Basically a full color Sunday Comics like strip each day of the event. I figured it would be awesome, not thinking through that I would be driving all day, and then drawing all night. That said, it was an amazing time with some amazing memories. Here was something I haven’t mentioned before, the involvement of the management during this. Jim McDowell especially. As VP of MINIUSA he was “Chief Motorer” and took those responsibilities to heart. He would be the first with a squirt gun on a hot day, or urban legend has it- go buying ice cream for the people behind him when he stopped at an ice cream truck. This was one of those things that made MTTS an amazing event.

MINI Takes The States 2012 – 11 days

2012 wasn’t best start for us. First Penfold after almost 100,000 miles was in the shop and the prognosis was not good. I had planned on getting the new JCW GP in the Fall, but keeping Penfold around. Only a MINI owner would understand how hard it is to say goodbye… Compound that with Sue losing her job, it became a time of decisions… so on a whim we bought a Roadster and within a few days of picking up Alfie aka Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All we were heading to New Jersey to “Go all the Way.” What would the future bring us? We didn’t know, but at least we’d go out in style and on an adventure. When I ask Sue what was her favorite MTTS- 2012 is it. MINIUSA had amazing things planned each day and night. We watched 4th of July fireworks from the Newseum just of the Mall in Washington DC. It all ended with an amazing party at the House of Blues and then a breakfast (for those who went All the Way) on the beach in Santa Monica. Good times with some amazing friends.

MINI Takes The States 2014 – 15 days

We survived everything and 2014 was looking amazing… I wouldn’t be able to go the entire route because of the start of school. But we were excited to spend some time in San Francisco and then see where the route takes us. By this time we had had met a lot of amazing people over the course of the various MTTS and had even met at other events, so we had a group to drive with which is something that tends to develop naturally. Some of them we had met in England at MINI United, others we had met along the road over the years, some we even “ran into” literally. OK, not me, but one of our group members since things can get weird trying to get out of a parking lot filled with MINIs. I was able to go as far as Lubbock, Texas this time. So I could at least check Roswell, NM off my bucket list. By this point MINI was starting to realize that this little event was growing really big… and maybe even too big.

MINI Takes The States 2016 – 15 days

So we’d gone West (young man), and then East, where to next? Where to start? Where should we end? This was a mystery, and in the lead up MINIUSA did their best to keep us guessing. Instead of just posting the route, they posted photos of things you would see along the route. The white barn is still one that makes people tilt their heads and go “huh?” Sow we started in Atlanta with a pre-party the night before. Then we all went to the Atlanta Motor Speedway to start traveling “Track to Track to Track.” MTTS had started to get almost unmanageable. We drove up to the track that morning only to find that cars had been in line since 3AM to get in so they could be “first.” Our little group just wanted to be together, which can be harder than you think. We did our lap and then started of on the most circuitous route to Palm Springs I have ever seen. As for favorites, for me this would be number two with 2012, being my favorite. We saw train tracks, horse racing tracks, more race tracks, and went up through Michigan. Every day was an adventure, every morning a breakfast burrito (except when fresh flapjacks were on the menu). every evening was a party. It all ended up in Thermal, California and a mad dash for umbrellas- not because of rain, or the need for shade, because some people felt they deserved SWAG and they were going to take as much as they could…

MINI Takes The States 2018 – 10 days

2018 MINIUSA went back to a divide and conquer kind of mentality… Two routes, meeting in Keystone, Colorado for three days. Starting from as far south and as far north as they figured logistically possible. This is where I bring up “going rogue.” The route is a suggestion, MTTS is an “Excuse to Adventure” to go places outside of your comfort zone. We decided this time to start in Little Rock, but not after stopping in Bensonville to take in a few museums. From there the Eastern route would have taken us to Dallas, we instead headed to Oklahoma City, and then to Sante Fe to meet up with the Western route. We decided we wanted to just motor and not worry about if everyone was together and discuss where we were going to eat, or if we should stop. The trip was to embrace the introvert in us, we’d be with people enough once we got to Keystone. Were there problems? Yes, our hotel in Keystone overbooked and decided that we really didn’t need our room. They rebooked us down the road (we had chosen the lodge specifically for its proximity to the event). The event itself was great, high altitude did have some effect on my MINI, but that was expected and the folks at MINI Roadside were awesome in taking care of the issue.

MINI Takes The States 2022 – 8 days

2020… I mean 2022… I think the original plan was to scale back in 2020 due to health concerns and then it was easy to just reuse the original 2020 route in 2022. I don’t blame them, like after 9/11, things have changed. While a shorter event, the roads and scenery were amazing. One thing missing- evening events. This happened due to a number of things, I know there had been a group pushing for more time to explore where we landed for the night. It had become a massive group of people with a “It’s Tuesday this must be Belgium” kind of vibe. You drove all day, not stopping, because if you did you might arrive late for the evening event… if there is no evening event, you can take your time and enjoy where you are… not a bad idea. The morning events became the must attend and it looked like after 2016 we didn’t have people parked out at 3AM waiting for the venue to open. This was interesting for Sue and me, because we each took our own MINIs. Sue had a business thing going on until almost the start, and I had family stuff, so we met in Burlington and drove on our own. You’d think the shorter distance between stops would make the days shorter, but the actual routes took just as long to drive. In the end everyone had time at the BMW factory and opportunities to drive or be driven on the track.

So Enough Blabbing About History- What Do I Need To Know about 2024?

Last week MINIUSA announced MINI Takes the States 2024. After some grumbling in 2022 about how the route was specifically on the Eastern side of the US, this time it is pretty much exclusively on the Western side starting in Albuquerque and ending in Seattle. There are still some unanswered questions in the schedule which may or may not get answered. Already some things (like the address of the send off) have been cleared up. So what do you need to know? Have fun. Unlike Hyundai Takes The States, or Subaru Takes The States or even the very impressive Chevy Takes The States- MINI Takes The States is unique in the fact that it actually exists. Other Automobile companies have events (Jeep Jamborees and Invasions come to mind) but from what I understand those are put together and organized by local or national clubs. I could be wrong… I don’t know. I’ve experienced a “Jeep Invasion” recently but have no idea about how it was put together, just there were a lot of Jeeps and a lot of ducks. MINI Owners don’t have a national organization. Yes, there have been a few attempts, but nothing has stuck. So guess what? You are on your own… which isn’t a bad thing if you think about it.

Welcome to America

While we may not all agree politically, one thing is in America we have stores, so if you forget something, stop by a WalMart, or Target, or other big box store and buy it. Yes, shop locally, but in a pinch… There are Starbucks, and McDonalds, and whatever in almost every town, you won’t starve. If your MINI breaks (it can happen- it’s happened to me more than once) there are auto supply stores, and (if you are on the route) MINI Roadside Assistance, if not AAA can help too. So re up that AAA membership as added insurance.

Breaker One-Nine for the Rubber Duck

You may want to have a radio with you. The various boards will have “experts” to help guide you as to what is best, and just as many experts to tell you that that person is wrong. Still, having a radio will help communicate with other MINIs on the road. the default frequency has been 7:21 but each group tends to alter that to avoid unnecessary noise. usually one person in a group has a radio on 7:21. Oh, you don’t have a radio? (see above “Welcome to America”)

Your Excuse For Adventure

Each morning at the Rise and Shine you will be given a route. This is a suggestion, you may have decided to go another way because you really want to see that rock formation that looks like a giant toilet. It’s all up to you. If there is a roadside attraction that attracts you, stop… you may never have a chance to see the world’s largest turnip again. They only take attendance at the Rise and Shine (unless they have an evening event planned) which is the best opportunity to meet new people and hear from Desiree about the day… just don’t end up in the pocket of DOOOOOM! MINIUSA has planned two full days on your own in some of the most picturesque areas in the country… go explore.

Things Change… Be Flexible

While everything looks like it locked in place… local groups may plan things, Giant Kaiju may attack, things happen, be ready to pivot. For example right now there is chatter about nothing posted for Seattle, or Salt Lake City even though those are “destinations.” My question is: If there is nothing planned, then how do I get my button? So just because you plan to avoid a place because nothing is happening, be prepared to change if something gets announced. Also, we aren’t the only people out there, this will be the height of summer, there will be crowds… go with the flow.

Button, Button, Who’s Got The Button?

While it might be different- there will be SWAG, and there will be SWAG hoarders. In 2022 no one could have anticipated the desire for people to want MINI Financial Services Magnets… but there it was, like a Black Friday nightmare. As for buttons, we all assume MINI will be giving out buttons at each destination… somehow this became a bigger things as people started trading their own person buttons. Is this required? NO. If you want to… go for it. In 2022, I went to JoAnn Fabrics and bought a bag of assorted buttons (the kind you sew on) and handed those out just to be silly. Some people will have stickers, some will hand out ducks… if you want to create a signature thing for you or your MINI- have fun being unique. NOT Normal is what MINI used to be all about.

The Cost of Doing Business

Yes, this isn’t cheap. Then again, owning a MINI isn’t cheap either. I come to this with the same point of view I have when going to Disneyworld or any resort… I’m going to end up spending more than I expected. I’m a retired school teacher, I don’t have money to throw around, but every two years, this is important enough for me to suck it up and pay for the once in a lifetime experience MTTS can be. Last year was $150 per driver for the entire thing, then hotels and gas on top of that- I was able to see a part of the world I may never drive through again, which was amazing. This time it’s a lot further from home, but even more opportunity for adventure awaits. Will I be eating ramen for a month when I get home? Probably… but it will be worth it.

Back in 2010 there was some off the RADAR philanthropy going on. In 2012 it got a bit more organized with support for the US Paralympic Team. Since then each year has had a series of philanthropies and sometimes competitions to raise the most money. I believe it was 2014 when “Best Friends” was the philanthropy they asked on the registration form if you were bringing a pet and I replied “Yes- other” I actually got contacted by MINIUSA because they were concerned that I might be bringing some dangerous animal. When I told them a monkey… That said, be prepared for raffles, and other opportunities to give to a good cause throughout the trip. At the end we will be told the total raised and who raised the most. You not only had a great time but you also did some good.


This is supposed to be fun… so have some fun. I recall being trapped in an elevator at a Disneyworld Hotel and having to listen to a parent tell their teenage child “We spent a lot of money on this, so you WILL HAVE FUN.” I’m not saying that, but life is an adventure, sometimes things go wrong, laughing about it can make it better. Think of Gromit in 2006.

Take some time each morning to meet other people who, like you, are crazy enough to invest their time, and money into doing this… Who love their car like a member of the family.

Don’t ask about the monkey… I don’t know anything about the monkey.

If you don’t already know, a automotive glossary:

  • Mini/MINI Cooper– Fast little British Car
  • MINI Cooper S– Faster little British Car
  • MINI Cooper John Cooper Works (JCW)– Even Faster little British Car named after John Cooper who modified and raced the original Mini
  • Mini– designed by Sir Alec Issigonis in the late 1950’s to provide an economical car for a family of four 1959-2000 aka “Classic”
  • MINI– the Redesign of the “Classic” by BMW 2001- present
  • Convertible– the top comes down…
  • Countryman– SUV version of the MINI
  • Clubman– Station wagon version of the MINI (soon to be extinct)
  • Paceman– Two door SUV (extinct)
  • Roadster– Two seat Convertible (extinct)
  • Coupe– Two seat no the top doesn’t come down (extinct)

*Currently MINI Owners will also use letter designations to describe their MINI- it’s easier to smile and nod than to figure it all out. For the record I currently own a Roadster (R59) and a Classic (Mk VI). The Roadster with 147,000 miles will be going on MTTS like he has every one since 2012 (which he did on temporary plates).

Like I said earlier in 2010 I did a comic strip for MTTS, this was the first one dealing with packing (see the section “Welcome to America”). All original art was auctioned off and proceeds went to Ryan’s MINI. I never realized how much my drawing has improved…

This Week in Comics (My Pull List for 1-10-24)

Well, it has been a week… Mostly a feeling like “carp” week. I guess it doesn’t take that long for 35 years of antibodies to stop working efficiently and for me to get whatever crud was going around. In this case it was a sinus infection that waylaid me for a couple days until I finally decided to see a doctor and get antibiotics. What did this experience prove to me? I’m old. Also that I am amazed at how much I just pushed through as a teacher because of adrenaline and the need to be there “for the kids.” You see unlike many jobs a teacher doesn’t just “call in sick” they need to call in sick, then have full subplans ready with all materials run off and prepared. Even in today’s digital age this takes a couple hours- all while you are feeling like death warmed over. So early in my career I learned that it was better to just push through. I recall one year getting sick during the statewide standardized test… I came in and gave the test (to first graders) laying on the couch in my room with a quart of OJ, a box of saltines, and a box of tissues on a milk crate next to me. All so the kids could get their all important score, since no one else was allowed to administer the test. Those were the days!

The variable winner this week: Ultimate Spider-Man #1 with 25 (yes, TWENTY-FIVE) variant covers! umm… really?

This week’s comics including the Tony Harris’ variant for Justice Society #8. I know, I know, I rant about variants, but I will purchase those done by artists I really like, for titles I normally buy. I will not buy 25 copies of the same comic and speculate which will be the better investment after they have been slabbed. I bought this one after I purchased #8 because my LCS (Local Comic Shop) had run out before I could get there. I should have picked up the print at the Cincinnati Comic Expo, but didn’t, because I’m stupid.

This Week’s Comics:

Elles – 3. Elle Together – This trilogy of YA/All Ages graphic novels tells the story of Elle, a teenage girl who has ended up splitting her various personalities (the athlete, the bookworm, the adventurous, etc…) apart and hiding them away, each one mysteriously (magically) changes her hair color when they take control. There’s a lot more to it but *spoilers* This is the conclusion to the story, so there is a final battle in hopes to free the lost part of her and maybe regain some control. It’s a great story for kids trying to figure out how their feeling can control them and make them do stupid things. Probably already banned by Mom’s for Liberty and the State of Florida.
Giant-Size Spider-Man #1 – This is where things really get confusing when dealing with a multiverse which Marvel didn’t used to deal with as much (What If? was created just to be able to say- “cool idea, but not really part of our world), but now is their bread & butter. When does this take place? what universe? How does it tie into the current story line? I’m lost especially since there are some pretty dramatic things happening in this issue and I thought I had been keeping up on Miles and his exploits (currently Gang War ’nuff said).
Adventureman Ghost Lights #1 – To explain this completely is a long post in itself… Let’s just say reincarnation of a classic pulp hero wonderful storytelling, beautiful artwork and win-win as someone who was brought up reading Alex Raymond’s Flash Gordon. While a number one it is a continuation of a previous series. This happened with the Rocketeer when they’d switch publishers, so I’m used to it. All I can say is if you can find the back issues, pick them up and read them- it is awesome.
Sandman #4 – We continue in the Golden Age as Wesley Dodds confronts his inner demons being exposed to the same gas he uses on criminals. He now knows who he needs to go after to hopefully stop his research notebooks from being used for nefarious means.
Ultimate Spider-Man #1 – Variant Cover A. Did I mention Marvel is really milking the Multiverse for all it’s worth? Recently a series had the evil Reed Richards from one multiverse try to pull together a perfect world in which he stopped most of the heroes who would stop him from ever becoming heroes. For example- he plucked that little radioactive/genetically altered spider off its web just before it could bite Peter Parker… so no Spider-Man. Life goes on, things happen, Peter lives, Uncle Ben lives, Aunt May… Peter and MJ get married, have a couple kids life is wonderful, except… something is missing. One thing I loved about the first run of Ultimate Spider-Man was how we knew what was going to happen and they just kept building to it. Not in one issue, but a couple. In the Silver Age an origin was a paragraph and narrative text box, maybe a couple panels… that was it and then- “WHAM!” we’re off fighting crime. Retelling a simple origin and making it a stand alone story was cool. In this case this first issue, sets us up for what could be awesome… only time and future issues will tell.
Fishflies #4 – Jeff Lemire has written some pretty cool, and weird stuff. Fishflies falls into both those categories. Bad guy turned into giant bug now BFF for a lonesome little girl. It’s got a supernatural vibe and has with most of his work I will be going back and rereading it again and again finding new things each time until the series is complete.
Strange New Worlds The Scorpius Run #5 – The Federation and its core values are put to the test as we complete the Scorpius Run Race. How will this change the crew and the universe as we know it? As with many of the comics related to Star Trek… not in any noticeable way, but while we wait for a new season, it is nice to catch a few more adventures of the Enterprise under Christopher Pike.
Speed Force #3 – I’m really getting better at understanding younglingspeak… This comic is definitely geared toward a younger demographic than me. I mentioned in my last commentary on Speed Force that It just made me feel old. It still does, but then again, I am old. It looks like the story is coming to a climax with Social Media, Music, and stuff trying to take over the world!!! bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! See? Fredric Wertham was right!
Batman and Robin #5 – Single parent, Bruce Wayne tries to raise his son in Gotham City with hilarious results is this light sit-com. OK- I know I picked up the first issue, but may have neglected the others. This is what happens when you create pull list months before the comic is released. In some cases the comic isn’t even on the pull list because DC (or Marvel) decided to not announce it until after they printed out their monthly catalog. That is a wonderful excuse (that I’m sure I will use again), but may not actually be correct. Whatever.
Bruce and Damian Wayne are trying to figure out what bad things are going on at Gotham High… I know, I know, it’s high school there’s a lot of bad things going on. Bruce put Damian there specifically so he could relate to his peers… Damian is not amused. Currently they are trying to find “Shush” the female version of “Hush” and determine what horrible plot is being hatched. Hooray! Damian made it on the Football (Soccer) team and what’s up with that goalie?
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #15 – Gang War ’nuff said. I do apologize for those expecting more… It’s a massive cross title story that in the end will have little impact on the universe. If it does, great… give it a year and no one will remember. Big thing about this issue- Ms. Marvel makes a guest appearance after dying…
Action Comics #1061 – No matter how much I’d like to write this entire thing in Bizarrospeak, I won’t. Bizarro uses magic in hopes he will be able to return to Bizarro World? That’s my best guess. In the end, normally it would be something like “Hi-Jinks Ensue” and we all live happily ever after… Not this time.

This Week in Comics (My Pull List for 1-3-24)

The First Comics of 2024

This was pretty sparse, but that’s OK. I will say some of these stories I’m going to need to go over them again once they are complete to figure out what went on. I’m currently trying to figure out if I should drop some titles just because I’m not liking the stories as much. This happens and unfortunately I have learned that I decide to stop and then some massive things happens… Like Captain America gets shot and killed.

I’ve also noticed that I am not a “serious” collector. While I have cataloged my collection and am working on getting everything bagged and boarded, I’m not going for every variant, or even going for the exclusive variants. I guess having lived through Cabbage Patch Kids, Beanie Babies, and the “Death” of Superman I’m not looking at these as my retirement investment. The community that goes with the app I currently use has people talking about “pressing” their comics to get a better grade on them. Most comics they have are slabbed for protection, so they can’t be read. In 2022 I had the opportunity to see Howard Chaykin (American Flagg and lots, lots more) talk about his career and the basics of laying out a comic page. He was pretty adamant about his feeling when it came to “serious collectors.” He felt comics should be read and shared. You preserve them so they can be read and shared. His table had listed prices for signing comics- Star Wars stuff was one price, his other titles were another price, and if you expressed an interest to have it graded, signature certified and slabbed, it was a third (astronomical) price. In my collection I have maybe 8 comics slabbed, and that’s because when it first came about I thought I would try the process out. Most were comics that I knew had value or potential and I wouldn’t miss because the stories had been reprinted so many times I could read the story. Now the big thing is reprinting key issues so people can read them… collectors are clamoring for the reprints and the variant covers! I guess more commentary on that later.

Oh, to continue with the variant rant… this week’s top comic (Gargoyles #11) had 18 variant covers… really?!?!

Batman #141 – More Zur-En Arrh! If you have no idea who or what I’m talking about… I wish i could help you. It all started with Failsafe. A robotic version of Batman built to take Batman down if he ever broke the one golden rule- “Don’t Kill.” Well, he didn’t really kill anyone, but somehow the robot got activated and then Batman’s alter ego/other personality took over and it’s been a mess. So now as we get to the (hopefully) penultimate issue in this arc Batman is fighting against himself. Will he just throw in the towel and retire, get married have kids… and let a robot batman take over? Oh, did I mention that Zur-En-Arrh has gathered all the other Sur-En Arrh permutations from all the other multiple universes (c’mon multi-universes are what all the cool, hip comics are doing…) to help him. So In Detective Comics Batman is fighting for Gotham against dome ancient family blood feud, and here he’s fighting against himself. In both cases he’s getting himself beaten up. One thing that I come back to when it comes to Batman retiring… I recalll in one issue of “Trinity” I believe Wonder Woman used her lasso of truth to get everyone to divulge who they were as a sign of trust… Superman, said “Clark Kent” Batman said “Batman.” Hmmm…

Quested The Four Henches Adventure – If you’ve read any of the Quested comics it’s basically a D&D adventure that doesn’t take itself too seriously. In this case there is an auction for a cursed book and our main character “Jinx” decides he’ll get it from there “Influencer” who out bid him. Hijinks ensues with a Twist of an ending.

Amazing Spider-Man #41 – Still Gang War – ’nuff Said

Captain America #5 – We relive pre super soldier Steve Rogers going against the American Nazis in pre WWII in New York. While Cap is also fighting similar issues in the present time all brought about by a really powerful demon. Guest Starring the head of a Dr. Strange doll.

The Space Between #3 – So, you’re on a generation ship heading to a new world… You’d think things would be fine… Politics, class issues, and other problems- the ship is heading off course and with no one on the ruling council who understands that a one degree off course compounds into never finding the place you intended to reach some people take matters into their own hands… only time will tell if they made a difference and if it was worth the cost.

Love Everlasting #11 – Yup! I’m into romance comics… OK this isn’t a normal Romance Comic. It follows Joan through various incarnations in which she never finds true love…All the loose ends are starting to tie together as we discover the identity of the msyterious cowboy who’s been stalking her through time.

Star Trek Picard’s Academy #4 – It’s Star Trek, c’mon. We know Jean Luc Picard was driven and now we get to see how driven as we following him through his years at the Academy. In this issue it’s the final big test and things have (predictably) gone wrong. Jean Luc is learning a valuable lesson about trusting people as he fights HOLO-Romulans!

This Week in Comics (My Pull List for 12-27-23)

OK- a bit of a rant- sorry, but let’s talk about variant covers for a moment… Wha? huh? Are we back in the 90’s? We are in a time in which, it seems, the comic book companies are back with a new scheme to increase sales. It isn’t a new scheme it’s a retread of an old scheme. Publish the same comic but issue it with multiple covers. This has been going on for a while. It causes retailers to purchase more comics than they really need in order to get those 1:25 or 1:1,250 exclusive variants. Fortunately I’m not a completist…I don’t need 13 copies of the same comic just so I can have all the covers. Every once in a while I may want a specific cover, but for the most part, I really don’t care. Combine this with sketch covers (covers you can bring to a Con and have an artist do an original cover for you) it is now hilarious. First of all, I don’t mind a couple of options, but in some cases, it has gotten to be too much. Should companies have alternate covers? Sure. Should some of them be more exclusive? Sure. Should artists have the opportunity to draw on blank covers? Again, sure. Look at Frank Cho’s sketch covers, they are hysterical. I like the idea of giving more artists the opportunity to share their talents, but more than 10 different variant covers? Like I said, fortunately, I’m not a completist, I don’t need to have every version. I just find it amusing and sometimes frustrating when I’m going through and trying to figure out if I have that specific issue… I used to rely on the cover image to jog my memory… Fortunately I now have my collection catalogued and I can go in and pull it up on my phone.

The last comics of 2023 –

Action Comics Annual 2023 – So we finish out “New Worlds” in which all the plot lines are tied together, except for the ones that aren’t. Spoiler: the world is once again safe for everyone and Superman is once again a beacon of hope. Next time I might be able to bring in more details since we will be starting a new arc and there aren’t as many spoilers.
Detective Comics #1080 – Batman Outlaw Part 5… ummm Gotham is… Gotham… murder betrays, and batman escaping the hangman’s noose. Now what will happen next? When will Batman return how will he defeat this group that were fated to take over Gotham since ancient time… when there wasn’t even a Gotham to take over?
Alan Scott Green Lantern #3 – Green Lantern teams with the Spectre as we continue our gay romp through the Golden Age trying to find out more about the “Red Lantern.” The story that actually has something to do with there latest Justice Society of America issue… Read to find out about things that could never have been published in the 1940’s.
The Flash #4 – I’ve been a fan of the Flash since I was in at least 3rd grade. I remember watching him in Super Friends on Saturday morning. One episode he’d talk really fast, the next episode he’d talk really slow… no reasoning, just cartoons of the 70’s I’ve been a fan forever and even shed a tear when Barry’s wife “died,” and when Barry “died”: in the Crisis on Infinite Earths. His was the one death I figured was like Uncle Ben, proof that comics don’t always bring back dead characters on a “whim.” I was wrong. Now Wally West is back and things have just gotten strange. I don’t mind having a “Flash Family.” Here Wally is trying to figure things out and I miss the simpler times when heroes fought crime and not existential issues dealing with the “Speed Force.” It was nice to have Jessie Quick or Liberty Belle and Irey West or Thunderheart trying to figure things out. The art work is good, I just think I may need to go back and reread this once the story is over to see how it all fits together, currently, I’m just a bit confused.
Batman Santa Klaus Silent Knight #4 – So is possession 9/10 of the law? Damian Wayne, figures things out and saves the day… after the other heroes have to fight a lot. I liked the story, I liked that everyone was so normal when dealing with Santa, but also not. That sudden understanding that stories that Batman may have told to the young Robin about adventuring with Santa may have a shade of truth. While not the caliber of Grant Morrison’s Klaus. This was an excellent way to celebrate the season with the DC Heroes.
Justice Society of America #8 – OK, where to start? In 6th or 7th grade my math teacher took “Secret Origins of Superheroes” comic from me- something about not paying attention in class. She never gave it back (as a teacher, I understand) it was the origin of the Huntress. Earth -2’s daughter of Batman & Catwoman. Fast forward- Due to x, y, and z she ends up now on the current Earth saving the JSA and now trying to recruit her version of the JSA who all happen to be lost causes, villains who will (in her world) become heroes. There have been a few failures and pseudo-successes, we won’t know until the dust settles… I remember Terra in the Wolfman/Perez run of Team Titans. So she is currently looking for… Red Lantern (See Alan Scott Green Lantern above). Of course Green Lantern (See Above) gets into the mix.
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #14 – Gang War Continues… ’nuff Said.
No/One #7 – Great mystery… still trying to figure it all out. Serial Killer, Copy Cats, Nosey Journalists… Since we are on issue 7 I suggest doing what I’m going to do and listen to the podcast associated with it.
Beyond Real #1 – Wait… I get to actually start a series?!? This one was given to me as a freebie to try out, so I tried it out and I like the premise. Young couple in love… (it happens sometimes, even in this crazy world of ours!) Contemplate existence… are we real? Are we just part of a program? (Was the program created by a race of hyper pan dimensional beings who created a computer to solve the ultimate question of the “What is Life, the Universe & Everything?” Did this computer then create a planet where living organisms were part of the programming matrix? That’s not this story… After a terrible accident one of our young lovers is in a coma, the other is having trouble and it seems the world is just a bit unreal. Only to discover <Spoiler> that she is part of a program and after that set up she goes to save her sweetie and maybe discover the secrets to Life, the Universe… everything!

Sorry for this being late… I understand there was a holiday and I was on the road.

Armageddon 2023: OK maybe it wasn’t that bad…

We (Sue and my multiple personalities) haven’t sent out a holiday letter in probably decades. It’s not that we don’t do things, it’s just that most of those letters are filled with proud parents talking about their kids accomplishments. Not having kids, makes those pretty short- “The cat’s slept a lot and bugged us to give them treats.”
2023 started with Bruce trying to figure out what his life would be like… should he retire? After bouncing around a bit he pulled the trigger and in March decided to start planning.

Things were pretty normal until the end of the school year- OK almost depressingly normal. We did take some time to see the Centennial of Disney Exhibit in Philadelphia (now in Chicago) and a weekend visit to the home of Mothman in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. As the school year ended in May so did over 35 years teaching. Bruce did not want any kind of “celebration” so he quietly emptied his classroom and drove off. It had been a good career with lots of great times, but… as the Walrus said, “the time has come.”

Retirement began with GeoWoodstock in Owensboro, KY. From there it was a bit of rush. While Sue (being still gainfully employed) worked and attended conferences, Bruce started on his personal list… in the Pit of Despair aka the basement. He had an idea of some traveling then decided to ignore traveling over the Summer and waited until the off season was over and things died down a bit. Sorting comics and reorganizing LEGO builds and sets kept him happy. When August came, Bruce started to realize just how much time, energy, and emotional toll teaching took… he’s been shying away from employment and especially educational related activities until at least 2024. After working since he was 13 Bruce decided he deserved a few months off.

The late summer and fall brought about a few things- like taking a weekend to see some races at Road America in Wisconsin, and a week to embrace our viking heritage at “Going Caching” in Georgia. We also spent some time in Asheville celebrating Sue’s parent’s 60th wedding anniversary, and we looked at options in area, but we still have time to decide where, when, if we relocate (and Bruce still has a lot of comic books to organize- current count over 5,000.) We also spent mid-November in Las Vegas. Bruce explored and played while Sue worked.

Our big event took some time and training- being balloon handlers in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. We spent Thanksgiving in New York City wrestling the Macy’s Gold Star (you may not have seen us, we were behind the Wonka float). On a “whim” (we’ve been told we do a lot of things on a “whim” which was not said in a whimsical manner… really… when it comes to “whimming” we’re very serious) we headed to San Francisco on Christmas Day because… ok, maybe this was a whim. There we spent two days just chilling and taking in the sights – especially a great exhibit at the Cartoon Art Museum.

Other highlights in no particular order:

What will 2024 bring? Who knows? More work for Sue (Someone’s got to pay there bills), more drawing for Bruce. Some exotic & boring travel for both. Bruce will be looking for employment, not because he’s bored, but it’s nice to have some “egg money.” Bruce has been thinking about his word for the year… last year was “draw” and while he did draw more, he still has a long way to go. He considered “rebirth” but thinks now “whim” might be a good one. (Yes, it is going to be a running gag… Bruce thinks it’s hysterical) Oh, how can we live like this? Remember: cats don’t go to college.

Tune in next year… same bat-time, same bat-channel.

The Rocketeer: The Life and Legacy of Dave Stevens

Cartoon Art Museum San Francisco, California

First of all, as many of you know, I’ve been reading comics for most of my 58 years. During that time I’ve read a variety of things, a few have stuck with me… one of those was Dave Stevens’ The Rocketeer. I think picked up my first issue just on a chance. I was in high school and artwork was the driving force behind my comic book purchases. It was the gorgeous artwork that made me buy it (Yes, I was a teenager, and yes, Betty was a definite draw), but it was the story that made me come back and hunt down the previous issues. In the time before the Interwebs it was not easy for a nerdy introverted kid to find out that the Rocketeer started in Mike Grell’s Starslayer and then to track down those issues. The Rocketeer also bounced around publishers which added to the challenge as many fans of the comic have gone through. “Cliff’s New York Adventure” took me years to figure out that it had even been finished!

Original art has two magical qualities about it. First, it is something artist touched. Now with digital art the chance to see something touched by the artist can be rare. Secondly, because if it’s the artists work you can “look behind through curtain” see mistakes, edits and also see a few steps in the process. I’ve been fortunate to visit places like the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum in Columbus, Ohio and see up close (and shed a few tears) at original art from some of my idols, I even own a few pages, but not anything from Dave Stevens. I do embarrassingly remember my first San Diego Comic Con seeing him at his table and freezing before I could get close… afraid of what I should/would say- thinking maybe next year I’d get up the nerve… it didn’t happen. I have, over the years, picked up various books highlighting Dave’s work, but this was the first opportunity I’ve had to see his original art up close.

So first of all, I cannot say enough about what a great place the Cartoon Art Museum has become. The first time I stumbled upon it was 10 years ago while visiting my sister in-law for Christmas… the family was wandering about and I saw the sign and didn’t really care what everyone else was going to do, I just wanted to see what the museum might have in store for me. My in-laws are very understanding. Since then they’ve moved and I’ve longed to return and on a whim it happened, my wife is very understanding.

First Impressions:
As a fanboy I can say – I wish there was more… but like anything in this world I think that is just human nature. The exhibit focused heavily on that first Rocketeer story (which spawned the 1991 film) but also touched on Dave’s other work in animation and storyboarding. As you walk into the room housing the exhibit “Drawn to Perfection” is playing on a screen to the right. There are also a few of the trades for the first Rocketeer story along with the Artist Edition produced by IDW. If you have not had a chance to see that edition- this is the closest you will get to what is on the walls surrounding you. While I said I would love to have more on display- this covers the origin and Cliff’s New York Adventure and is a great look into the making of The Rocketeer.

The first wall (clockwise) showcases one of Dave’s paintings (a self portrait), introduces us to his love of Bettie Page, and his early animation work. The next wall focuses on the Rocketeer cover artwork. Those images that first introduced us to the world Dave Stevens created. These are teasers of what was to come in the comics of you bought one.
The long back wall has the intricate pages that set up Cliff Secord as the Rocketeer. That moment when Peevy makes the helmet, his first heroic flight to save Malcom it’s all there. As someone who dabbles in comics I am shocked at what I seen on those pages… my pages are usually a mess, these are pretty much pristine. You can’t see any erasing, you see ink on paper. If you look closely, you can catch just a hint of blue pencil. I’m not sure of sequence of the process, but the lettering was glued onto the page. As an example: When I started my strip I would write in the words then draw around that word balloon. Now I write the words out, in blue pencil, draw and then, using the computer add the text and balloon digitally. A comic strip like mine is easy since word balloons tend to take up the top third of the panel. In a dynamic comic… all that needs to planned out or at least thought through as you lay out a page.
The case in front of the back wall shows some of the actual issues.
The next wall has the video monitor showing Drawn to Perfection and samples of the Rocketeer as described in the first paragraph.
The last wall as you work clockwise from the entrance covers another project Dave worked on- Storyboarding Michael Jackson’s Thriller music video. Yes, Dave Steven’s did the storyboards for Thriller… Mind blown.

So should you go to San Francisco and see this exhibit up close? Duh. If you can I would, just because no matter how high quality the reproduction may be, there is something about looking at a page and knowing the artist touched it. That said, if you can’t, I understand that a catalog of this exhibit and the previous one in which artists contributed pieces in honor of the 40th anniversary of The Rocketeer will be available soon. Check the Cartoon Art Museum in 2024 for details.

Besides actually reading The Rocketeer or going to San Francisco, I highly recommend you look up these for more into Dave Stevens and his work:

  • Brush with Passion: The Art & Life of Dave Stevens 2008
  • Dave Stevens the Complete Sketches & Studies 2011
  • Dave Stevens Covers & Stories 2012
  • Dave Stevens: Drawn to Perfection 2022 – Currently available on Amazon Prime

The Rocketeer stories are still being published while not Dave’s work they are very good and definitely honor the creativity and world Dave created.

This Week in Comics (My Pull List for 12-20-23)

Twas a few days before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring except for the cats running around knocking things off the tree and me, bagging and boarding comics and other stuff.

I decided when the most recent copy of FTF Geocacher Magazine arrived this week that I would go into the basement and pull all the issues I had (most contained the My Geek Odyssey Comic Strip) and at least do something to prevent them from being completely destroyed. I started this strip in 2009 when I received a Lilly Endowment Teacher Creativity Fellowship. In 2011 the fledgling FTF Geocacher Magazine approached me asking if I would contribute something. Over the years, as life got in the way FTF Geocacher there were times when FTF was the only time I actually committed myself to drawing. While I may have muttered when I got the reminder- it was wonderful to be forced into stepping away from the ledge and doing something I truly love. As my interest in Geocaching wained I still did the comic with help from friends who would tell tales of their exploits. Retired, I am now going back to caching, and still think it is a great way to explore and discover new places. Yesterday I went through over 60 issues and put in each in a bag with a board. Some were not in the best shape, and it looks like I’m missing two issues that like any good collector I will track down somehow.

To this week’s comics-

Jay Garrick the Flash #3 – I’ve always been a fan of the Flash. I remember trying to convince my mom to sew a lightning bolt on my red sweatsuit when I was in 3rd grade. I don’t recall if it were the comics or “Super Friends” cartoon on Saturday Morning but I thought the idea of going super fast was supercool. Thanks to a great Stargirl mini series all of these lost sidekicks from the 1940’s are back. One of them being the Flash’s (Jay Garrick’s) hitherto unknown daughter, Judy. So Judy is a teenager from the 40’s now in present time. So far it’s been a great story as part of DC’s return to the Golden Age which piques my interest.

The Original X-Men #1 – I fell for it, the original X-Men return… umm… I haven’t read an X-Men comic in years, probably because there just got to be too many of them and it became difficult to follow (as with a lot of comics Marvel or DC). I wasn’t sure what I thought this would be about, but it wasn’t what I expected. A multiverse spanning story dealing with the Phoenix (in X-Men the Phoenix always seems to be a part of it). Good story, but will I continue in the next Wolverine focused storyline… probably not. Like the X-Men, Wolverine has just been overused.

Spider-Boy #2 – You’d think after what I just wrote about the X-Men would also relate to Spider-Man titles and it does, to a point. They’ve created to convoluted Spider-verse that fortunately you don’t have to know too much about to follow what is going on. In this case (remember when Marvel only dealt with other universes in What if? ahh… simpler times…) at the end of one massive spider-verse encompassing arc all the versions of Spider-Man were released and one… was new, Spider-Boy. No one remembers him, (wait a second… like the Golden Age sidekicks in DC?!?) so we are discovering this young hero for the first time. He has slightly different powers, some of them a little creepy. I just hope this doesn’t become a trend – “Sales are sluggish, let’s bring in a new version of…”

Batman Santa Claus Silent Knight #3 – Almost Christmas, will Krampus win? More heroes are brought in to help Santa including that guy from Metropolis… No spoilers, but I am looking forward to seeing how Christmas will be saved from the evil monsters. (no spoilers there- we know the good guys will win… it’s in the Code)

Superman #9 – Everyone hates Lex Luthor… duh. but now after a death defying battle in the last issue, how will Superman save the day? What twist will happen so you buy the next issue? Vworp! Vworp! Vworp! (hint: but not really a spoiler)

Amazing Spider-Man #9 – Gang War continues… ’nuff said.

Star Trek Defiant #10 – General Order 7?!? What will Worf do?!?

Star Trek #10 – Whatever Happened to perpetual Ensign Harry Kim? Space Kaiju with dinosaur people and Romulans…

Undiscovered Country #27 – If you have not been reading this comic I don’t know what to say that won’t spoil it or just make you think I have lost my mind… Overall the story goes something like this- the United States has built a wall around itself and the rest of the world moved on while ‘Mericuh… well, no one knows. The world governments sent a team into America to see what happened, and to look for a cure for a plague that was doing what plagues do best. Over the course of 27 issues so many weird things have happened. All of which ask the question what is America? What makes America, America? I figured we were getting close to the conclusion, but… what do I know? Hint- Literal cliffhanger of a ending.